A 'CORD Paris, Grands Boulevards
year round courses ¥þ¦~½Òµ{
- Intensive
- "Intensive
Plus" courses
- One-to-one
- Summer
- Intensive
- "Super
Intensive" courses
Specialized Workshops ¯S§O±j¤Æ½Òµ{
- Writing ¼g§@
and Grammar ¤åªk Workshop
- Theater À¸¼@
Preparation ¦Ò¸Õ·Ç³Æ Workshop
- Business
French °Ó¥Îªk¤å
- ¦í±J¿ï¾Ü¤è¦¡
year round courses ¥þ¦~½Òµ{
Super Intensive Courses "D"
¾Ç¥Íµ{«× | ªì¾ÇªÌ - °ªµ¥¯Z ¤À 6 ¯Å¥H¤W | ¶O¥Î/week |
¤W½Ò®É¶¡ | 9:00 - 01:00 2:00 - 5:00 ¤Tªù¯S§O±j¤Æ½Òµ{ |
1 ¶g 315 Euros |
¨C¶g¤W½Ò®É¼Æ | 29 ¤p®É | 2 - 3 ¶g 270 Euros |
¯Z¤W¤H¼Æ | ¤p¯Z¨î, ¨C¯Z 10 - 14 ¤H | 4 - 8 ¶g 240 Euros |
¶}½Ò¤é | ¨C¶g¤@¶}½Ò | 9 - 12 ¶g 230 Euros |
ªì¾ÇªÌ 2003 | 01/06. 01/20. 02/03. 02/17. 03/03. 03/17. 03/31.
04/14. 04/28. 05/12, 05/26. 06/10, 06/23, 07/07, 07/21, 08/04, 08/18. 09/01, 09/13, 09/29. 10/13, 10/27. 11/10, 11/24 |
12¶g¥H¤W 210 Euros |
Super Intensive Courses "C"
¾Ç¥Íµ{«× | ªì¾ÇªÌ - °ªµ¥¯Z ¤À 6 ¯Å¥H¤W | ¶O¥Î/week |
¤W½Ò®É¶¡ | 9:00 - 01:00 2:00 - 5:00 ¤Gªù¯S§O±j¤Æ½Òµ{ |
1 ¶g 310 Euros |
¨C¶g¤W½Ò®É¼Æ | 26 ¤p®É | 2 - 3 ¶g 265 Euros |
¯Z¤W¤H¼Æ | ¤p¯Z¨î, ¨C¯Z 10 - 14 ¤H | 4 - 8 ¶g 235 Euros |
¶}½Ò¤é | ¨C¶g¤@¶}½Ò | 9 - 12 ¶g 225 Euros |
ªì¾ÇªÌ 2003 | 01/06. 01/20. 02/03. 02/17. 03/03. 03/17. 03/31.
04/14. 04/28. 05/12, 05/26. 06/10, 06/23, 07/07, 07/21, 08/04, 08/18. 09/01, 09/13, 09/29. 10/13, 10/27. 11/10,
11/24 | 12¶g¥H¤W 205 Euros |
Super Intensive Courses "B"
¾Ç¥Íµ{«× | ªì¾ÇªÌ - °ªµ¥¯Z ¤À 6 ¯Å¥H¤W | ¶O¥Î/week |
¤W½Ò®É¶¡ | 9:00 - 01:00 2:00 - 5:00 ¤@ªù¯S§O±j¤Æ½Òµ{ |
1 ¶g 295 Euros |
¨C¶g¤W½Ò®É¼Æ | 23 ¤p®É | 2 - 3 ¶g 255 Euros |
¯Z¤W¤H¼Æ | ¤p¯Z¨î, ¨C¯Z 10 - 14 ¤H | 4 - 8 ¶g 225 Euros |
¶}½Ò¤é | ¨C¶g¤@¶}½Ò | 9 - 12 ¶g 215 Euros |
ªì¾ÇªÌ 2003 | 01/06. 01/20. 02/03. 02/17. 03/03. 03/17. 03/31.
04/14. 04/28. 05/12, 05/26. 06/10, 06/23, 07/07, 07/21, 08/04, 08/18. 09/01, 09/13, 09/29. 10/13, 10/27. 11/10, 11/24 |
12¶g¥H¤W 195 Euros |
Super Intensive Courses "A"
¾Ç¥Íµ{«× | ªì¾ÇªÌ - °ªµ¥¯Z ¤À 6 ¯Å¥H¤W | ¶O¥Î/week |
¤W½Ò®É¶¡ | 9:00 - 01:00 |
1 ¶g 270 Euros |
¨C¶g¤W½Ò®É¼Æ | 20 ¤p®É | 2 - 3 ¶g 230 Euros |
¯Z¤W¤H¼Æ | ¤p¯Z¨î, ¨C¯Z 10 - 14 ¤H | 4 - 8 ¶g 205 Euros |
¶}½Ò¤é | ¨C¶g¤@¶}½Ò | 9 - 12 ¶g 195 Euros |
ªì¾ÇªÌ 2003 | 01/06. 01/20. 02/03. 02/17. 03/03. 03/17. 03/31.
04/14. 04/28. 05/12, 05/26. 06/10, 06/23, 07/07, 07/21, 08/04, 08/18. 09/01, 09/13, 09/29. 10/13, 10/27. 11/10, 11/24 |
12¶g¥H¤W 180 Euros |
2003 ´»´Á Summer courses - July and August
¨C¶g¤@¶}½Ò, ¶}½Ò¤é 07/07, 07/21, 08/04, 08/18
" D " ½Òµ{ Prices |
1 week 2-3 semaines 4-8 semaines |
315 Euros 270 Euros 240 Euros |
per week per week |
" C " ½Òµ{ Prices |
1 week 2-3 semaines 4-8 semaines |
310 Euros 265 Euros 235 Euros |
per week per week |
" B " ½Òµ{ Prices |
1 week 2-3 semaines 4-8 semaines |
295 Euros 255 Euros 225 Euros |
per week per week |
" A " ½Òµ{ Prices |
1 week 2-3 semaines 4-8 semaines |
270 Euros 230 Euros 205 Euros |
per week per week |
±µ«Ý®a®x³£¬O¸g¹L§ÚÌ¥J²Ó¬D¿ï, ¥B³£¦ì©ó¤Ú¾¤¥«¤º, ¥L̳£¦³¦h¦~ªº±µ«Ý¸gÅç,
«Ü®e©ö¨ó§U§Ú̪º¾Ç¥Í, ¾AÀ³¤Î¼ô±xªk°êªº¤å¤Æ»PÀô¹Ò, ¤Î´£ª@»¡ªk»yªº¯à¤O.
¾Ç¥Í³£±N¦³³æ¤Hªº©Ð¶¡, ¤G¤H¦P¦æ®É¤]¥i¯à¦³©Ð. ±µ«Ý®a®x¥i´£¨Ñ¦À\, ©Î¦±ß¤GÀ\,

- | ³æ¤H©Ð + ¦À\ | ³æ¤H©Ð + ¦±ßÀ\ |
¨C¶g¶O¥Î | 240 Euros | 300 Euros |
³æ©]¶O¥Î | 49 Euros | 57 Euros |
Lumiere" Residence
This residence is
located in the east of Paris, by the Porte de Bagnolet. It provides single
and double rooms with breakfast or half-board
This is a
high quality residence. All rooms are equipped with shower and toilet, TV
and telephone. Bed sheets and towels are changed every week.
station: "Porte de Bagnolet" or "Porte de Montreuil" Getting to the
school : underground line n°3 ("Sentier" station) or ligne n°9 ("Grands
Boulevards" station)
Please note : due to the limited number of rooms available we
suggest students make an early booking.
325.00 € per week |
375.00 € per week |
275.00 € per week |
325.00 € per
week |
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