澳洲 凱因斯國際語言學社
本校成立於 1989年, 一直有很高的信譽. Cairns 是澳洲主要的亞熱帶旅遊城市, 是進入大保礁
的門戶, 全年平均溫度 24 - 34C. 在此學習英文, 又能一探世界海底珊瑚美景, 享受浪漫生活
接待家庭是我們最為推薦的, 他也是你學習英文最佳的補充地, 接待家庭都是經學校仔細挑選, 很有經驗的熱忱家庭, 他會提共早晚二餐及假日全餐, 接待家庭也會到機場接您.
- Full Time Intensive General English Course
初級到高級共分六等級, 每週25小時,- 5 - 12 周 Part Time Intensive General English Course
初級到高級共分六等級, 每週15小時,
報名費 $165, 安置費 $165, 教材費10週下 $60, 上 $120 週數 Full Time Part Time Homestay 接機免費 2 $600 $460 Single $360, Share $300 3 $900 $690 Single $540, Share $450 4 $1200 $920 Single $720, Share $600 5 $1500 $1150 Single $900, Share $750 8 $2400 $1840 Single $120, Share $960 10 $3000 $2300 Single $1800, Share $1500 12 $3600 $2760 Single $2160, Share $1800 20 $5500 Single $3600, Share $3000
- 中學生準備課程 Price: $310/week
這是中學生11, 12 年級強化課程, 讓學生能順利銜接本地中學教育, 此課程每年一月及七月開課- Cambridge & IELTS 考試準備課程,
開課日: 03/17, 05/26, 09/15, 11/17 Price:$450
每期四周, 每天一小時, 03:30 - 04:30 指導你如何完成 IELTS Test, 學校會協助你報名. 此課程可與 Full Time or Part Time Intensive General English Course 結合.
- 2 - 4 周短期, Full or Part Time 英語課程
學生也可申請 2 - 4 週的短期英語訓練課程.
- Teacher Training Course 老師訓練課程
開課日: 01/06 - 01/31, 06/16 - 07/11, 11/10 - 12/05
4 週 Price: $2450
The course provides pre-service training in teaching English as a foreign language to adults. It is intended for those who wish to enter the profession but have no previous experience of teaching, and for teachers who have no training in this particular field. It leads to the most widely recognised initial language teaching qualification. A pass guarantees an opportunity for job placement within the world wide IH organisation.The Course aims to develop:
Class management skills
Awareness of learners' needs
Ability to analyse language
Language presentation and practice techniques
Teaching of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills
Ability to produce and select appropriate teaching materials
- 英語 + Work in Homestay 計畫 Demi-Pair Programme
開課日: 01/06, 02/10, 03/17, 04/22, 05/26, 06/30, 08/04, 09/08, 10/13, 11/17
12 weeks Price: $3600, 24 weeks $6600, 報名費 $225, 安置費 $330, 教材費 $120
本課程每期12週, 或24週長度, 本計畫是讓學生有機會, 與接待家庭一起生活, 並在那工作, 以讓學生節省吃住的花費, 學生每週將有25小時的英語訓練課程, + 15小時為接待家庭工作
學生必須提早8週以上時間申請, 並不需要特別的工作經驗.
- 英語 + 短期打工計畫 Work Experience Programme
本計畫是讓學生有機會一邊學習英文, 並能實際在澳洲得到短期有薪工作機會, 我們將為學生在本地企業找到適當工作. 最後二週 Full time 英語課程中, 將安排必要的 職場培訓, 每週10小時
- 英語課程 + 潛水學習
Price $1360/2 weeks, $1790/3 weeks, $2220/4 weeks
學生將有 Full Time English program and Full Classroom & Pool Training, 並將使用良好的潛水裝備
- 暑期雙城英語遊學
學生可利用12 - 02月間, 到二個城市上課, 體驗不同城市風情, 遊覽布里斯班與凱因斯不同的景緻, 學習長度, 開課時間學生可自訂, 二個城市停留相同的時間
The College is one of two schools in Australia affiliated to the International World Organisation. It is situated in Cairns, Australia's fastest growing city. The modern, air conditioned premises are in the Central Business District and are only 2 minutes walk from excellent shopping facilities and 5 minutes by bicycle from the city centre.The College is small enough to be able to offer personal attention to each student and has become well known for its friendly "family-style" atmosphere.
College Facilities
The Classrooms.
All classrooms are fully equipped with air-conditioning and tape recorders.
Television and Video are available, as is an overhead projector.The Self Access Centre. 設備完善的自學教室
Studying for yourself is an essential part of the course. The centre is designed specifically to help you do this. Text books, grammar and reference books are provided including numerous study exercises for you to use.
The computers are ideal for grammar manipulation and other exercises, they are particularly useful for students studying for exams. Also available are internet and email computers.
The language laboratory is very good for listening and pronunciation.
The library contains a full range of text, grammar, reference and practice books. There is also a selection of graded readers for you to borrow and take home.
Students Common Room.
Here you can relax over a cup of coffee and get to know the other students better. This gives you an excellent opportunity to practise your English on your friends. There is also a notice board with information about Cairns, news about the school, and activities being organised by the social club.
Exam Centre.
The college is the official exam centre for both Cambridge and IELTS exams. There are Intensive courses for the Cambridge First Certificate, Proficiency and Advanced exams. Special preparation is also available for the IELTS exam.
Further Study in Australia.
學生在本校, 還可選擇以下, 安置費 $200
Cairns College 宿舍, 公寓式, 每週 $120, 餐廳可購買食物, 房間為二人或三人房,
季節性因素, 不是很容易訂到. 另外宿舍不安排接機服務.
Cairns Campus Lodge 每週 $220, 提共三餐