Meeting Notice
European Chemical Process CFD User Group
15-16 June 1998
Munich, Germany

The 1998 European CPCFD Users Group will be held in Munich, Germany on 15-16 June 1998.  The mission of the CPCFD Users Group is to promote the exchange of ideas and provide updates on the latest technology developments on the application of CFD to process engineering.

Meeting Venue

Hotel SchreiberHof
Erdinger Str. 2
D-85609 München Aschheim
Phone: +49-89-900060   Fax: +49-89-90006459
Go here for directions to the hotel.

Meeting Agenda

Date Time Event
15 June 18:30-21:00 CPCFD Reception & Dinner @ Hotel SchreiberHof
16 June 08:00-16:00 CPCFD Meeting @ Hotel SchreiberHof  
08:00 Hans-Günter Wagner, BASF - Applications of CFD-Simulations for Predicting the Mixing-Behavior of Stirring Vessels
08:25 Don Jones, ICI - Gas-Liquid Stirred Tanks 
08:50 Zdzislaw Jaworski, Technical  University of Szczecin & Alvin Nienow, Univ. of Birmingham - CFD Modelling of Macromixing and Heat Transfer in Stirred Tanks
09:15 Michael Schlenkrich, Silicon Graphics - CFD Data Management through Web Integration 
09:40 Coffee Break
10:10 Derek Coleman, BP Chemicals - Reaction Modelling in a Gas Sparged Vessel
10:35 Jukka Koskinen, Neste Oy - Chemical Reactor Modelling for Fast Exothermic and Mixing Sensitive Reactions (EU Project involving 6 European partners)
11:00 Joe Hannon, Performance Fluid Dynamics - Reaction Engineering & Micromixing 
11:25 Günther Schroth, U. of Darmstadt & Robert Zeller, Silicon Graphics - Overview of the Cray TECFLAM project: CFD and combustion simulation 
11:50 Lunch
13:00 Alain Liné & Karim Essemiani, LIPE-GPI-INSA - Water and Wastewater Treatment : PIV Measurements, Modeling and CFD 
13:25 Rudolf Zauner & Alan G. Jones, University College London - A Hybrid CFD-Mixing Model for Analysis of Precipitation Processes in Continuously Stirred Tanks 
13:50 Bjorn Hjertager, Aalborg University Esbjerg - CFD Analysis of Multiphase Chemical Reactors (EU Project on Bioreactor Performance) 
14:15 Coffee Break
14:45 Geoff Pollard, BHR Group - Solids Distribution in Stirred Tank Reactors: Modelling Issues and Scale-up
15:10 Richard LaRoche, Silicon Graphics - USDOE/Chemical Industry Project on Multiphase CFD
15:35 Open Discussion on Large Eddy Simulation
16:00 Adjourn

Meeting Registrants

Eiman Abu-Bakr, DSM Research, Netherlands
Panagiota Angeli, University College London, UK
Cosimo Aragonese, Center for Advanced Studies, Italy
Jon Berkoe, Bechtel Technology, USA
Thomas Bol, Bayer AG, Germany
Jakub Bujalski, Unilever, UK
Arnaud Cockx, CIRSEE Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux, France
Derek Colman, BP Chemicals, UK
Karim Essemiani, LIPE-GPI-INSAT, France
Paal Friberg, Tel-Tek, Norway
Norbert Gilbert, BASF AG, Germany
Paul Hammond, Schlumberger Cambridge, UK
Joe Hannon, Performance Fluid Dynamics, Ireland
Bjorn Hjertager, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark
Hugo Jakobsen, Norwegian University of Science, Norway
Zdzislaw Jaworski, Technical University of Szczecin, Poland
Don Jones, ICI Chemical & Polymers, UK
Jukka Koskinen, Neste Oy, Finland
Dick LaRoche, Silicon Graphics, USA
Alain Liné, LIPE-GPI-INSA, France
Fabrizio Podenzani, EniTecnologie, Italy
Geoff Pollard, BHR Group Ltd., UK
Edward Price, British Steel, UK
Wilfried Schierholz, Hoechst, Germany
Michael Schlenkrich, Silicon Graphics, Germany
Günther Schroth, TU-Darmstadt, Germany
Paal Skjetne, Sintef, Norway
Tron Solberg, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark
Horst Vollhardt, Silicon Graphics, Germany
Hans-Günter Wagner, BASF AG, Germany
Rudolf Zauner, University College London, UK
Robert Zeller, Silicon Graphics, Germany
Luca Zullo, Silicon Graphics, USA