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The Pittsburgh and Ohio Northern Railroad Club

Updated 2/26/2003

This is web site has been designed for the purpose of letting the public know that the organization of The Pittsburgh and Ohio Northern Railroad club exists in the up stairs portion of the Ada Railroad Depot. This site contains the history of the layout with the organization maintains and other activities that the organization participates in. This site also contains photos of the layout and of rail traffic that comes through Ada from time to time.

Special Announcement:

February 26, 2003

Dear Friends and Peers of PONRRC,

I regretfully announce the departure of the Pittsburgh and Ohio Northern Railroad Club from the upstairs of the historic Pennsylvania Railroad depot in Ada, OH.

Due to circumstances beyond our control or our landlord (Ada Community Improvement Corporation), we have been asked to leave the depot. We are being asked to leave because the upstairs of the building does not meet the two exit fire code issued by the State of Ohio. This issue was presented to our landlord in a recent building inspection after renovation of the historic depot.

Many people have asked if the club could remain if a second exit could be provided. Unfortunately, the answer is ‘No’. The historic depot, built in 1887, was placed on the National Historic Register a few years ago. This would make any modifications for a second exit nearly impossible to build.

After 30+ years of model railroading, we are uncertain on our future. Our organization currently has about 3 active and 2 semi-active members. With our current membership levels, we are faced with difficulties on finances and a new location to continue our existence. Even with these current difficulties, we plan to remain solvent for a short period of time. This will allow anyone is interested in continuing the organization to come forward to express their interest.

Finally, despite our landlord’s decision, we would like to thank the Ada C.I.C. and the Village of Ada’s City Council for allowing our club to be part of the depot and the community.


Claude ‘Cass’ Telles V - PONRRC - Club Secretary

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As of 8/27/99
