Rick’s Homepage
Just getting started...
I’m a student at Mechanical Engineering
at the University of Adelaide ( www.mecheng.adelaide.edu.au)
I work for Proen Design Australia
I’m currently contracted to Krix
Loudspeakers (www.krix.com.au)
My Project is in the CFD modelling
of turbulent jets check out my 1999
A paper
submitted to the Melbourne CFD conference...
News! I'm changing projects at
uni to work on acoustics!
Finally?! (bloody email) one
for you Jen ...
Another one. Would
that be two?
Kim really takes the cake
Do they actually work at DSTO?
The trip so far...
More later.
TBA - the Eat-Tread Guide - an alternative
to the Michelin Guide - find the cafe's David Smith hasn't banned...
Rick Morgans
Postgrad Student
CAE Consultant
TEC Group
Proen Design Aust
Dept. Mech. Eng.
1/157 Burbridge Road
Uni of Adelaide 5005
Hilton SA 5033
Ph: +61-8-8303-3157
Ph: +61-8-8152-0800
Fax: +61-8-8303-4367
Fax: +61-8-8152-0888