
John Roland PETERSON

Hi, my name is John Ronald PETERSON, I live on the Caribbean island of Aruba. I was born and raised there. I lived for 6 years in Dordrecht Holland, where I worked and studied. I graduated in June of 1982 as Industrial Engineering. I a member of the Society of Ingineers of Aruba (SIA). I work for the telecommunications company of Aruba, SETAR N.V.. I have 4 children. I am divorced. I am also an active member of the Political organization on Aruba, the P.P.A. The first and oldest Social Democratic party on Aruba.


Yahoo! Games

My P.P.A. Page

My political page

Yahoo profile page

Other personal page




My oldest son is John Alexander PETERSON, Born on July 7th. 1985. Then I have a daughther Jessica Andrea PETERSON born on November 2nd, 1986. And I have twins, both boy's, Julien Antoin PETERSON and Johmar Arthur PETERSON born on Octobr 19th., 1998.

Hobbies: Swimming, Hunting, Tennis, Batmenton, Internet. My number one interest at the moment is very personal. After that I would like to see everyone get involved some how with the cyberspace/internet. Especialy the kids. But even the grown-ups should git in contact with the PC and Internet. I would have loved to see Aruba been Governed by decent people, no mal-Governing.

A friend is the best person in someones life in many ways. Of course your family is of vital importance and a good neighbour especialy if they can be your best friend. My number one friend is Hyndulfo GEERMAN born on July 28th. 1955. I can go to him at any time and ask for whatever I need. We trust eachother blindly. I have many other friends at work, in politics and not to forget on the Internet.