ARIES (Mar. 21st-Apr. 20th): A partner or lover may not be easily satisfied with you this morning. Don't grumble. Listen and you might learn something. Of course, if he or she isn't fair, you'll have no reason to give in. You could get a push that will ultimately get you where you want to go. Surprise visits from friends liven up things for you today. Be prepared to change your plans on virtually no notice. You'll have a great time if you do.
TAURUS (Apr. 21st-May 20th): Put romance at the top of your list today. Even early morning complications can't put a damper on the possibilities available to you now. Plan something crazy, something you've never done before. Going against the grain energizes an old relationship or propels you to find a new one. Fix any mistakes as you go. Your ability to change direction quickly can rectify any situation now.
GEMINI (May 21st-June 21st): You have work to do today, Gemini. It's not an all-play Saturday. Cleaning, clearing, purging and throwing out rank as high priorities. This is not your favorite kind of activity. The choices you make in letting go, however, determine the available spaces you open. An evening of unusual and exotic events fits perfectly. Take a chance on a new and different experience. Bring a friend to share your discoveries!
CANCER (June 22nd-July 22nd): Oh Cancer, your libido's working just fine now! We know you're discrete by nature, but this is a good day to strut your stuff. Willingness to experiment enhances your creativity. You may come up with unusual ways of playing and loving. You might start off in one direction and wind up in another. Children could demand your attention now. Try some crazy new games with them. They'll love it.
LEO (July 23rd-Aug. 22nd): Family and home activities could change at the last moment. Keeping control of this circus could be maddening. Leo, if you can turn on a dime, you won't have to pull out your beautiful hair. After all, what's a lion without a mane? After a somewhat chaotic day you can look forward to an evening full of love and joy. This could, in fact, be a very sensual evening. Save some time for that special someone, even if it's only you.
VIRGO (Aug. 23rd-Sept. 22nd): This can be a great day for the writer in you. Even if you don't consider yourself a literary person, it's worth your effort to put words to paper now. You've got something important to say. Put it on tape, or tell your story to someone you know. Once you open up, what comes out will surprise you. Things we say by accident sometimes reveal the truth. This kind of honesty can endear you to those who love you, or those who would like to. ...
LIBRA (Sept. 23rd-Oct. 23rd): Look, Libra, it's simple. You start out to do one thing and wind up doing another. Take shopping, for example. You start the day with a plan clearly in mind. Then you get to the store, and your plan changes. Well, we call that life. It's a river that never stops moving, so how can you know exactly where it will take you? Tonight, too, can be one big surprise. Keep your heart open, all the better to fill it.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24th-Nov. 22nd): Early morning could have an edge to it. If you've something to do, you can use this energy to work miracles. That's you, Scorp, able to go where no one else dares. You can overcome any obstacles when you set your mind to the task. Challenge yourself to put that will of yours to good purpose today. Unexpected rewards can come in the form of a loving partner or a sweet treat.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23rd-Dec. 21st): This could be the day to take off on your own. Let others stick around and deal with matters on the home front. It's you, Sag, who needs a place away from the demands of everyday life. If you have a companion with you now, let's hope it's someone who can stand the silence. Even though you usually have a lot to say, this is one day when some quiet reflection may suit you best. It's not an escape from the world. It's a return to yourself.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22nd-Jan. 20th): One of your friends may need your help today. You're legendary for your loyalty, so you're expected to do what you must under the circumstances. Carry some extra cash with you. Unplanned expenses might arise, and they don't take credit. Another level of meaning reveals itself through unexpected relationships. Someone you haven't seen in a long time may pop into your life, then out again, just as quickly.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21st-Feb. 18th): Tired of leading the unruly troops, Aquarius? Surely, you'd prefer to just take care of yourself today. You may not have that luxury, however, at least for part of the day. Steal whatever private time you can find. Others may need you on a moment's notice. Still, you can find unexpected pleasure and beauty in the middle of work. Like a flower growing through a crack in the sidewalk, you can always discover new delights in unusual places.
PISCES (Feb. 19th-Mar. 20th): It may be one step forward and one step back for you today, Fishy. Or maybe it's one fin forward and another back. In any case today's vibe emphasizes activities of the mind. Your philosophical nature needs nurture from time to time, and this is one of those times. A caring friend may bring you a gift. If it's not an object, it could be a compliment or just some calm, caring comfort. Hmmm, delicious.