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Welcome to MacLean's Chemistry Site!
- I'm going to be shifting this site the the school server. You might want to try out the new site and bookmark it now.
- New Web Site
- Congrats to last years AP Chem Class. The pass rate was 71 %. They worked hard and it paid off. Well done !!!!
- Congrats to Sean for getting a 98 on the final. The highest ever on one of my Chem finals!!!!!!! Maybe I missed two?
- Here is a link to a good practice test. You must have Adobe acrobat reader to see the test, but it is available for free at Adobe.
- Practice Test.
- Those of you getting ready for next year, work hard and get a good start. I may add a bit to your homework the last week if I have time.
Read chapter one and answer the following end of chapter questions.
# 3, 10, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 57, 59, 64, 65
I would also like to add # 41 a,b,c to your homework. Make sure you show all of the steps that you do while using dimensional analysis. It is a bit tedious, but it will be good for all of you to improve in the area of conversions. After doing this problem, you will appreciate the metric system a little bit more too I think. :-)
You may find the turquoise study guide that you checked out from the media center of great help this year, particularly for chapter one.
You will receive a quiz on chapter one the first day of school. If you have any questions about the work or course, you may call me up to a week before school begins. I will not answer any homework questions the three days before school begins. My home phone # is 677-0439 and my e-mail address is Don't be afraid to contact me if you have questions.
- Significant Figure Rules
- Significant Figure Practice Quiz- Give it a try!