Main interests: Forest succession, mire evolution, forest typology, plant community classification, air & space image interpretation, mapping, estimation of human and industry impact on natural ecosystems. Autor of 50 scientific publications, including three monographs in Russian: 1. Ob river flood-plain on airspace images (with V.N.Sedykh).- Krasnoyarsk, Forest Institut, 1984. 2. Remote studies of landscapes (with A.S.Isaev, I.A.Volkov, V.N.Sedykh).- Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1987. 3. Oil and gas industry impact on forest and bog ecosystems.- Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1998. |
Born: 12.03.1955 in Novosibirsk, Russia. Education: Tomsk State University (Biology), 1981. Work: Central Siberian Botanical Garden (1972, 1975) Forest Institute SB RAS (1975-1997) Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry (1997 up to now) Current status: Head of laboratory of Soil Biology, Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science. Sovertskaja-18, Novosibirsk, 630099, Russia. Phone (office) (383-2) 22-58-40. Phone (home) (383-2) 16-17-38. Fax (383-2) 22-76-52. E-mail: Title: Senior scientific researcher, 1996. Degree: Candidate of science (Ecology), 1987. Thesis: Forest forming processes in the Middle Ob river flood-plain, Forest Institute SB RAS S.V.Vasiliev has taken part in the development of remote sensing methods in application to forest resources research (1976-1992). Forest successions in the Middle Ob flood plain have been studied. The classification of forest vegetation in Ob flood plain was created. Cardinal principles of the landscape classification of flood plain territory and methods for its mapping based on air and space images were elaborated (1978-1987). Work on the ecological mapping to evaluate oil and gas industry impact on forest and mire ecosystems was managed (1984-1998). Paleoecology of the peat growth rate changes in West Siberia was estimated (1992-1998). The bog vegetation classification of the North Taiga zone of West Siberia was created (prepared to publications). A morphometric approach to evaluation of bogging rates in West Siberia was designed (prepared to publication). Main field investigation areas in West Siberia: Forest-tundra zone: Kheyakha river basin (1988 June-July). North taiga zone: Nadym river basin (1987), Kazym river basin (1988 August-September), Pur river basin (1995-1998), Surgut Polesje (1994). Middle taiga zone: Irtysh river basin (1982), Yugan river basin and flood-plain (1981, 1982), Ob river flood-plain (1977-1984, 1992), Vakh river basin (1985), Sosninsky Egan river basin (1984), Kul-Egan river basin (1983), Lar-Egan river basin (1976-1979). South taiga and forest-steppe zones: Vasyugan river basin (1970), Novosibirsk area (1997, 1998). Other regions: Kirgizstan (1971 August), Altai (1971 June-July), Tuva (1975, 1989 June), Baikal region (1989 July-September, 1990). |
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