The many men and women that make up the global geodesy, geodynamics and geophysics community are dedicated to the advancing the science they've devoted their lives to. They also have many varied interests and each person's history is unique regarding how they found themselves to be involved in this career.

On this page are presented some of their stories. Unfortunately, these often are told after their lives are over, in the form of obituaries and death notices. Many of these notices that appear in various scientific publications helps us to recall that, yes, we may have admired the career of these individuals, but more importantly, we remember their lives, their families, the colleagues they touched and had influence upon. We remember too, their dreams, those they realized and those they struggled to achieve.

The stories offered below are in PDF format. Adobe Acrobat Reader is needed to view these files.

Lerch, Francis J.
(developer of Earth gravity models)
(S. M. Klosko & B. Chao)
O'Keefe, John A.
(Discoverer of the "pear-shaped" Earth)
IAG Obituary
(B. Chovitz)
EOS Obituary
(P. D. Lowmann Jr. & D. P. Rubincam)

Page last updated: July 30, 2001