Oguz Ersoz


Bahcelievler Istanbul

Gebze Izmit

Çekirge Bursa

Işıklar Antalya

+90555 244 27 08

+90555 365 47 40




OBJECTIVE:: After eight year I permanently returned from United Kingdom to Turkey and I am seeking job for my qualifications. I have completed my mandatory military service.


QUALIFICATIONS::NETWORKING:: TCP/IP PC Networking, Fibber optic LAN systems, UTP CAT6 LAN systems, Wireless Network systems, Satellite Networking or Digital broadcasting (TCP/IP/DVB/Mpeg2), design, install, manage, Internet, Intranet, Dial-up Networking, Automatic set-up designs for users computer, Digital Network Business TV broadcasting, Voice over IP or Video over IP and Alert on IP systems.


QUALIFICATIONS::DIGITAL::TV::RADIO:: Storage Area Network. Fiber Channel Network, design, install, manage. Veritas software. Content management. Hierarchical Directory Structure Database. Broad vision software. Latest electronic media formats to put media in SAN or Tape Library, Server based Play Out Systems, Dalet Software for Radio, Vector Software for Television, Digital pay TV Nagra embedded, On demand media, UDLRP/IP/MPEG4, IP TV system, or traditional TCP/IP/MPEG2 Broadcasting, ADSL TV Systems, Sky-NET Systems, Sat-NET systems.


QUALIFICATIONS::RADIO::TRANSMITTERS::RECEIVERS:: Radio station equipment (Computer controlled studio, pre programmed song list etc., Analogue Transmitters and Repeaters, Audio, Video, Data, Radio links (HF, VHF, UHF, C, Q, X Band), Satellite Up-links, Satellite Down-links, Satellite signal receiving and distribution techniques, Local Data broadcasting, Wireless Networking, Earth station controlling (Computer controlled Motorized systems).


QUALIFICATIONS::MOBILE::TELECOM:: All GSM operators looking for new services to earn some more from their Mobile network, all this services becoming as a Project after the idea created, my self worked as a Project Manager in TELSIM, so I had an experience on SMS, SMS Gateway, IVR, WAP, Location Based Services, Streaming on PDA, GPRS, automatic content up date on services to.


QUALIFICATIONS::COOLING::R22:: Gas systems, Gas transfer and counting, Cooling system planning, Digital controlling for cooling systems or Computer controlled cooling systems. (Used on V-Sat systems.)


QUALIFICATIONS::COMPUTER::PROGRAMS::UNIX:: Corel Linux, Suse Linux, Sun Cobalt RaQ4r 6.0 (Shinkansen), AIX, My SQL Server, Berkeley Lab., Postgre SQL Server, Oracle, Apache Web Server, Unix Kernel Based Video Audio Streaming, ICQ Chat Server for Unix, Chili ASP Server, Chili PHP Server, Pearl, Borland Interbase, Oracle 2000 Developer, Front Page 98 and 2000, Lotus Notes, Lotus Domino and Smart Suit, Adobe for MAC (Premier, Photo shop Etc.), Corel 4 - 5 - 8 - 9 (Animated GIF files, 3 Dimension objects), Macro Media Cold Fussion Sever, IP tools, Packet Capture, Intel Network Management, HP Tools, Open TV, Nagra, Shiva, Checkpoint, Broad Vision E-Commerce, Veritas, Kodak Eastman, Dalet, Vector, Majordomo, Open-SSL, Image-Magic for Cobalt, Neomail, PHP-Nuke-Portal, DCP-Portal, Shopping-Q, Bind DNS Server, Cod Charge PHP Developer Suit, Etc.


QUALIFICATIONS::COMPUTER::PROGRAMS::OS2:: Ms DOS, Ms 95, Ms 98 and Plus, Ms NT, Ms 2000 Professional, Ms 2000 Server, Ms 2000 Advanced Server, Ms XP, Ms IIS5, Ms SQL Server, Ms Exchange Server, Ms Transaction server, Ms Media server, ICQ Chat Server for OS2, Chili ASP Server for ISS, Chili PHP for ISS, Pearl, Oracle, Borland Delphi 2 - 3, Borland Interbase, MS J++, AutoCAD 14 - 2000, Oracle 2000 Developer, Front Page 98 and 2000, Lotus Notes, Lotus Domino and Smart Suit, Adobe for PC (Premier, Photo shop Etc.), Paint Shop Pro 5 - 6, Corel 4 - 5 - 8 - 9 (Animated GIF files, 3 Dimension objects), Microsoft image composer, Macro Media Flash, Director, Dream Viewer, Ms office 97-2000, Borland Database for Windows, IP tools, Packet capture, Intel Network Management, HP Tools, Open TV, Nagra, Shiva, Checkpoint, Broad Vision E-Ccommerce, Veritas, Kodak Eastman, Dalet, Vector, My-SQL for OS2, PHP-4.1.2 for OS2, PHP-Nuke-Portal, DCP-Portal, Shopping-Q, Etc.


QUALIFICATIONS::ELECTRONIC::SECURITY::SYSTEMS::: Electronic Alarm systems (NACOSS App.), Electronic Monitoring systems (NACOSS App.), Electronic Entry systems (NACOSS App.), Close circuit TV systems and 24 hours recording, (NACOSS App.). Wireless security system networking. (Huge amount of camera and PIR for example. My last project was Turkeys electronic country borders protection system. (Görentas) National Approval Council for Security Systems "NACOSS" recognizes, inspects and regulates firms, which install, maintain, and monitor electronic security systems.


PERSONAL:: I am a very patient person to solve complicated problems, I have enough knowledge manage existing complicated systems or find out required new upgrade or design new systems. As I mentioned patient person to teach my knowledge to any other technical employee, I like to organize the people or team to get top performance on works for time and quality.


WORK::HISTORY::2002::2002::INSAT::INTERNATIONAL::LONDON:: Just my lucky time, I meet my very old boss in Star Digital he was from London. He call me to work for Insat again, than he show me the project called InsatTV. I designed Voice Over IP diagrams and selected hardware.


WORK::HISTORY::2001::2002::STAR::TV::ISTANBUL:: I worked as PROJECT MANAGER and VIP MANAGER in this company, parallel work with RUMELI TELEKOM and AKTIF KABLO, to create project called Infocean, mission of project was to bring group media companies together in one huge Storage Area Network member, this is new generation electronic media system, I traveled to lots of location to pick up information for relevant technologies. I learned new generation Internet media servers specially Cobalt capability on streaming media. Most of the software on Cobalt was Open-Source thanks for this worldwide organization.


WORK::HISTORY::2001::2002::TELSIM::RUMELI::TELEKOM::ISTANBUL:: I worked as PROJECT MANAGER in this company, I organized developers to create IVR, SMS, WAP, WEB, Streaming on PDA, Location Based Services, my self I developed Intranet to keep in touch with developers, directors and other departments together, for easy project management. Source of the Intranet software was Open-GL thanks for this worldwide organization.


WORK::HISTORY::2000::2000::DATA-SEL::BİLGİ SİSTEMLERİ::AŞ::ANKARA:: I worked as PROJECT MANAGER in this company, designing networks for Universities and Hospitals. I designed network system for
University of 19 Mayıs (Samsun), University of Başkent (Alanya), University of Süleyman Demirel (Isparta), University of Uludağ (Bursa) and I managed this projects to make sure projects successfuly done.


WORK::HISTORY::1994::1998::GREAT::SPACE::TECHNOLOGY::LTD::LONDON:: I was only a learner technical manager in this company for two year then I received position as TECHNICAL MANAGER. In first two years I made only problem solving missions, reason was systems were complicate to me as well. In two year I learned World Wide Web, NT management, Microsoft information server, Microsoft Front Page, Graphics tools, Dial-up networking, NACOSS approved security systems and monitoring systems.


WORK::HISTORY::1991::1994::EXPRESS::TV::VIDEO::AND::COMPUTER::SYSTEMS::LTD::LONDON:: I worked as TECHNİCAL MANAGER and PROBLEM SOLVER also complicated systems designer and installer in company, I instructed new technical staff and managed teams, which they worked in London aria in M21 London Orbit.


WORK::HISTORY::1989::1991::INSAT::INTERNATIONAL::LTD::LONDON:: I worked as TECHNICAL PROBLEM SOLVER and complicated SYSTEMS INSTALLER in this company. With company car and private driver, reason I have no knowledge on London roads that time. Example: Buckingham ' palace, MI 6 buildings satellite systems and digital tracking system. Also I instructed new technical staff.


WORK::HISTORY::1985::1986::LIDER::SATELLITE::RECEIVING::SYSTEMS::ISTANBUL:: I worked as TECHNICAL MANAGER in this company. I organized teams to install their satellite aerials anywhere in turkey. Also arranged teams needs before I send the team to the place. I traveled as well with company's private car time to time when team had some complicated problems on large RF distribution systems that I designed.



EDUCATION::LICENSES::CERTIFICATES:: 1980-1983 Bakirkoy Endüstri Meslek Lisesi (Metal isleri)- Istanbul, 1984-1988 AOF Anadolu Üniversitesi (Isletme ve is idaresi)- Eskisehir, 1990-1993 South Gate Collage (Computer Skills)- London, 1994-1994 Grundig education courses (Satellite Receivers)- London, 1994-1995 Campus Network Design Cisco - London, 1994-1996 Wycombe airpark glider and light flights pilot courses. - London, 1997-1998 CAI Satellite work fastening and work security. - Heathrow, 1998-1999 Nacoss Security Systems Risk Knowledge.- London, 2000-2000 Eastman-Kodak - Istanbul, 2000-200 Broad Vision - Ankara, 2000-2000 Microsoft 2000 Update - Ankara, 2000-2001 Ortronics FiberOptic-Cat-6 Cable works. - Istanbul, 2001-2001 Intel Network Design - Istanbul, 2001-2002 Alcatel UDLRP - Cannes, 2001-2002 Mobile Location Based Services IBC - London, 2001-2002 IBM Storage Area Network - Cannes, Alcatel UDLRP Satellite MPG4 IP TV Cannes, 2001-2002 Dalet Digital Broadcasting. Paris, 2001-2002 PHP Code Charge - Paris, Also I have driving license British, (Right hand drive) and Turkish, (Left hand drive)


INTERESTS::ACTIVITIES:: Relaxing with driving, relaxing with flying my self, browsing on Internet or inside of a problem PC, short holiday or good weekend with my friends and family, reading a new user manual or strange story, conversing some thing with some one.


HARDWARE::SKILLS:: 10 Years experience on integrated system designs, good knowledge on Electronic, Mechanic and Computer Hardware, Traffic Control Camera Network hardware, Security Systems hardware, Hospital Internet and auto control hardware, ISP load balance and monitoring hardware, Broadcasting system hardware, Uplink and Downlink system hardware, Wireless Networks hardware, Cat-6 Network elements, FiberOptic Network elements, Test standards knowl. GSM Networks hardware, Micro Links, UDLRP hardware, NSP hardware, ISP hardware, Satellite Receiving hardware, Centeral Distribution RF & DATA hardware, etc.

Last update: 02-02-2002