In the summer of 2001 I went to Norway, together with Jan-Willem the neighbor. We visited the Haddanger Vidda, a huge plateau with only low vegetation and wild animals like bears are still living there. Another place we camped are the Jotunheimen, which means Home of the Giants. This is the area with the highest peaks of Norway. The Galdhoppigen is the highest peak with around 2600 meter, and covered in snow.
Here you can see some pictures of the trip to Scandinavie.
Road nr. 55 is one of the most beautiful roads we passed. It crosses the area of the Jotunheimen were we camped and backpacked for a few days. The picture above shows the road.
(french woman)
Here we climbed a small peak, on our first day in the Jotunheimen. The next day we went on a tour to the Galdhoppigen, show below in black & white.
And another picture of me, on the top of Norway.
After this climb we went down and found ourselves a great camping place for two days.
Same place from seen from the other site.
After the Jotunheimen we went a bit more to the south of Norway, where it was still pretty cold. We camped for one day in the Haddanger Vidda, a bit boring compared to great views in the mountains.
On our way back home we also did some cultural things. We visited Odense, in Denmark, we went to an excibition of a Japanese artist.
Here you see Jan Willem meditating in a mirror room with a lot of lights, did he see the light!.
And the last picture is me on the ship, actually on the first day, when we went from Denmark to Sweden.