Welcome to the New Beginning - From Suzaki
Have a good day! Step at a time!! --- Fresh and New at Every Moment
Note: www.suzaki.has.it = http://www.geocities.com/suzakico/index.html
Whereever you are from, whatever the reason you happened to visit here, I wish you the best luck and wish your life is as meaningful as it is meant to be. Wish you find something of your intrest. Have a good day! -- Kio
Site Overview: Overview/Map of the Home Page
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Related Sites on the Web
Most Recent addition to the home page
Management - for Eliminating Waste and Unleashing the Human Potential (Suzaki&Company)
Related to the subject of Mini-company, Lean manufacturing(JIT), Waste Elimination, Total Quality Mangement (TQM), Spirituality and Business,etc.
Three of my books, Results from the Heart, The New Manufacturing Challenge, and The New Shop Floor Management at amazon.com. The first one is about spirituality and business, the second one on lean manufacturing, and the third one is about Total Quality Management and organizational development. The common theme to all is about "expressing the human potential." - Please type suzaki and hit go.
My videotapes corresponding to the two books, NMC and NSFM Please type suzaki as author and hit go
About my books, etc. on the web Please search by "Kiyoshi (or Kio) Suzaki" at google.com for my books in foreign languages, review and comments to my books, etc.
Management consulting service My consulting and seminar services.
On-line management consulting service
Various experiences of Mini-Company found on the net.
Introduction to My Seminar on Mini-Company (old version)
Original Introduction to Results from the Heart Foreword by The Dalai Lama, and Endorsement by Stephen Covey, et. al. for "Results from the Heart"
Excerpt of "Results from the Heart"
Frequently Asked Questions on Mini-company
The Heart of Management (Prepared for the seminar in Spain - 6/02)
My creativity and idea generation seminar material (Powerpoint, posted in my briefcase - 4/06)
Learning from the Venture Capitalist, John Doerr, also applicable to a mini-company
Success as Human - by Matsushita: Wisdom for work and our life - a base for "Results from the Heart"
Love and Power: An inspirational essay by Daisetz Suzuki on how spirituality(love) should play a major role in today's society - another base for "Results from the Heart"
The supreme spiritual Ideal: Another important essay by Daisetz Suzuki about the origin of our being
Zen and the Art of Corporate Productivity-Business Week Online 8/4/03
Avatamsaka sutra and my book, "Results from the Heart" - How I received the Dalai Lama's foreword
My answer to "So what?" (This is an ongoing process)
Overview of White Book on html The book is about spirituality, management and our modern day lives. (this overview was written 10/1/00)
book manuscript (White Book). Please send an e-mail to me if interested to read.(about 350 pages in total) 8/15/01 version
Attending Vipassana Meditation Course: #1) Earth Shuddering!(Nov/00)
#3)Gaining Experiential Wisdom (Jan/03)
#4)Move on (Oct-Nov/03)
#5)Coleman revisited (Dec/04)
Practicing Vipassana/Zen (Jan./01)
Reflective Comments on (Ecstatic) Jhanic Experiences - for experienced practioners
Pictures of Samantabhadra(Jp. Fugen) and my Vipassana Experience
Reflection from 1999 - 2004
My Hobbies
Included here are Yahoo! clubs (*) I visit, informative web sites, and information that I found worthwhile to share.
*Vippasana Meditators' Forum club - for Old Students (Practice of meditation)
*Searching for the ox club (Poems, Haiku, etc.)
Krishnamurti Foundation
key messages of Krishnamurti
David Bohm on "Dialogue"
key messages of Kierkegaard
key messages of Kitaro Nishida from "A Study of Good" - Pure experience and development of consciousness
Buddha's Words
Vipassana Meditation
key messages of Goenka - from Vipassana site
Vipassana Discourses and Related Sutras
Vipassana related articles
Mindfulness in Plain English, perhaps one of the best book on meditation. Freely available on the web. URL, excerpts, and my notes, included
vernon howard - tapes
Words of Vernon Howard
The world of Kenji Miyazawa - Japanese Saint-Exupery
Ken Wilber: review and related websites
The Universe of Thich Nhat Kanh
Tao Te Ching
Words of Meister Eckhart: "Wonderful!"
Words of Chuang Tzu: "Fascinating!"
Simple, and Illuminating Words of Bankei
Daisetz Suzuki Remembered - a collection of words of Suzuki, a genuine human
Daisetz Suzuki on Satori
Wittgenstein and Zen
Thomas Merton and Zen; Merton and Zen Clown
My Quest for Enlightenment - Koshiro Tamaki
Wilbro's Home Page - Guide and Doodle Work
From Yanavira's Home Page - Living Life: Buddhism
Picasso and Zen - His words are like fresh breeze of air
Revisiting Picasso (My Imaginary Dialogue with Picasso)
Jacob Boehme and the Love of God
Boehme and Myokonin - finding the common ground of spirituality with different religious backgrounds
Truly Wondrous People: Myokonin (in Japanese and English)
Various Awakening/Satori Experiences
Various Awakening/Satori Experiences (2)
Behavioral Aspects of Awakening/Satori
Emptiness and the Middle Way (Heart sutra, Vimalakirti, Nagarjuna, etc.)
Higher Stages of Meditation - by Eugen Herrigel
On Having Views, Not Having Views, and Transcending Views
Wonderful universe of Kabir - spiritual poetry
A glimpse of Zen (Interactive) - by Kodaiji Temple (well done!)
More Links for Further References
edgar correspondence (1) -- My dialogue with American Rinzai Zen Monk
edgar correspondence (2)
edgar correspondence (3) (4)
Wilbro's Guide, The Way of Inquiry - A Guide for Self-Clarification (per permission by wilbro)
Wilbro Correspondence (1) About Process of Inquiry, Self-Clarification Process, Brain-Heart System
Wilbro Correspondence (2)
Sue Dragon Correspondence (1) About Rebirthing, Neuro Science, Poems, Let it be
Sue Dragon Correspondence (2)
Decoding the dialogue of Wilbro and Sue Dragon at the Universe of Zen
Odile Correspondence - Connection to Spirit, Divine Power, High Self
Meditation - Doing My Way: In this attempt, I came across an interesting insight that is explained in this file.
Dialogue on Sila-Samadhi-Prajna, Compassion, Goad, and Tears (Aug/00)
Views on enlightenment and direct experience (July/00)
Spirituality, Wisdom, Compassion, Bodhisattva, and Kegon(Sept/00)
Synthesis: Journeys Ahead, Delusion and Awareness, Process Control(Oct/00)
Analysis and Comments on Vipassana (Dec/00)
Spirituality and Business, Mahayana, Individual and Organizations, Mid-Alpha, Conscious and Unconscious, etc. (April/01)
Play of Zen (May/02)
Finding the Ground of Morality -1 (June/03)
-2 (June/03)
Dialogue on Sangha, Theory & Practice, and Mindfulness at Theravada site(July/03)
Nibbana (Nirvana), Joy of Life, Symphony of Light... (July/03)
Abhidhamma in Daily Life - a dialogue with Nina (July/03)
Dialogue on Awakening in Reference to Patanjali, Cuang Tzu, and Kabir (August/03)
Scientific discussions tied to Mind/Brain Study
Human Brain Computer Model (Nakayama): Mechanism of Inspiration/Creativity and Buddha's awakening, etc.
Neuro Pathology - very informative site
Research on consciousness/Psyche - for academic discussion
Watching the brain in action - Pittsburg Supercomputing Center
Emotion, Biofeedback, etc.
Emotion and Biofeedback - A book of I. Sharif: mind model, trash program of mind, Biofeedback without instruments
Links related to NLP, Qi, Human Energy Field, Neuro Network, Computer Modeling, etc. - link to vmx
Qi and Human Energy Field - Good introduction to Alternative state of consciousness, Qi, Life energy
Meditation and Neuro Science Taken from ABC Good morning America (5/1/01)
Quantum phenomena and meditation
Ryokan's Poems
Poems of Ikkyu, Bankei and Ryokan
Zen Poems and Zen Sayings
My Favorite Stanza of Kabir - poem of spiritual ecstasy
My Poems and Haiku's in Yahoo briefcase
My Poems and Haiku's in html
My Selected Poems in html
Sketch of Mental Image - From Ireland * My Short Essays from the Summer in Ireland (July/00)
Brown trout, bumblebees, fishing tactics, and clear stream of New Zealand(Feb./01, Feb./02)
2004 trip in Japanese at my Japanese HP - 128 pages in WORD (Jan.-Feb./04)
Short reflection of camping and fishing trip in Oregon (June/04)
Edgar-Martin's Essay * Read the essay by Martin (aka Edgarhell). In this essay, he shares the experience of going through a neighbor's funeral. (15 pages)
Short Essay by Edgar * George Washington's Dog
Prof. W's Tour * Prof. W's trip report from the tour to Thailand, India, and Japan ---- Historical sites, religion, cultural issues, etc. are compiled here from his tour in Spring, 2,000. (60 pages) No pictures.
Pictures of Our Universe from Hubble Telescope
My Patent, "Adjustable Rope Tensioner" US Patent # 5,803,209 (Anyone interested in licencing this patent?)
Eiheiji Zen monastery, opened by Dogen (mainly pictures)
Hosshinji Zen monastery (website currently unavailable)
My son, Kenji's work in his 6th grade at Calvary Christian School
Kenji's Homepage
Kenji's 8th grade Essay on Special Place * Reflection of His Irish Summer
To Kenji * Reflection
Boarding school essay by parents * Another Reflection
Kio's picture
Edgarhell's picture
Nastertium in Full Bloom (May/03)
Picture, Paining and Sound Gallery - Impressions captured in my journey
I thank you all for the contribution!!
****Update in My Life****
Time flies.... Spain, New Zealand (9th and 10th fishing trips), Alaska, The Bahamas... work, new business deal, seminar, fishing, sailing, etc.
Here is a recent mindless poem I write after coming back from the three-week sailing trip from the Bahamas to the BVI.
==Bon voyage==
This experience and that, past memories drop off
Everything is new, and it is fine as it is.
Finding that there is no "me," and I am with my self.
Then, meeting strangers is like meeting my self.
Or, the song of a bird is the magic of the universe.
And when I am back to myself, I find that...
it is time to close the page, and to open a new one.
Wind blows, and journey continues with more new horizons to explore,
Saying farewell to the old, and welcome to the new, have a safe journey in the sea of impermanence!
Good day, good life, good journey to all!!!
Update in my life - archives (2000 - 2002)
Thanks for the visit! Take care and good luck on your journey!! Wishing all the best!!!
* If you like, please share your comment or insight in the guest book. Have a good day, good life! - Kiyoshi (Kio) Suzaki
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* Because of many junk mails I receive, I never open the yahoo e-mail box. If you need to reach me, please post note in the guestbook or contact me at the verizon address. Thank you.
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