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Welcome to the World of
Digital  Photography & Scale Models
Welcome to my  Model Web Site.
I have been building models for more years than I care to disclose.
     Recently, with the advent of Digital Photography, I started shooting them as well. I started setting this site up on 3/6/99 to display some of my     photos. They include  my more recent kits, kits built with the help of my kids (Rebecca & Matthew), I've just recently upgraded from  a Fuji MX-2900 with 1800x1200 resolution to the Fuji Finepix 4900 4.3Mpixel resolution  so,
If you would like Hi res copies of any photo, please email me and I'll send it out to you...

Updated 2/14/04.  I am out of room, You can see all my models at
login id :jmarcucci
guest password : cars
or click here:

Revell Aerobee Hi reissue,  a Lindberg 1/48th scale Snark, Nike Ajax & Hercules ,Bomarc and Honest John  i
n First Space Page . Heller International Space Station located with Space Shuttle.
   In WW II page -New Tanks & Guns , Tamiya Visible MYRT, and Revell Lacrosse Missle Launcher( I know they aren't from WW2 and Hawk Missile Launcher also JagDPanzer anti Tank Tank

Other recent projects , most seen & linked below,  are the Allison Turbo Prop, Wright Cyclone Engine, USS Reliant - a Father &  Son Star Trek  Project, Visible Wankel Rotary Engine from Entex  1979, Visible V8 engine(1966) , Visible Wankel from Renwall 1972, Visible Turbo engine from Revell , Lindberg Hot Rod from the 80's , Chinese Model Kit of a German V-2 Rocket ,  ,
a Visible Star Trek Enterprise, and a  visible Honda Engine.
Anyone ever Show up??=>
Grumman Biplane 1/32nd scale Monogram reissue 1998 -built 2/20/02
Allison Turbo Prop (1960), Monogram Wright Cyclone Engine, Entex Wankel, Renwal V8, Renwall Wankel,  Revell Visible Turbo and Linberg Big Red Rod & Honda are complete click on pictures below to go to those pages or click on Car link
Check out - You'll see lots more Models!! Click Here to visit
What New and  Coming Up

ew addition to Trek area the USS Reliant and now  the visible Enterprise ( the original)

Car Link - Engines and Cars started 2/210/01 includes Visible Wankel, Turbo, V8 Entex Wankel & Hot Rods  and more...

Revell's Space Shuttle including Space Station & Complex 1/144 scale  Shuttle - 4/19/99

Chinese Model of the German V-2 Rocket is now on display in World War 2 area - 3/29/01 Also check out the P-40 Father son project there from April 9

Monogram's 1/48th Navy Squadron is assembled and is  6  planes strong - 4/24/99 F4U Corsair arrived. Dauntless and Helldiver arrived 10/27/99

Check out the Back to the Future Page - see below
          Photo Albums

World War II Aircraft including the Navy Squadron
Press Here
1950's Aircraft
go here
Jets and more
press here
Back to the Future
go here
Space Exploration
go here
Star Trek 
Transport here
HO Train
PT109 Page
Cars & Aircraft  Engines and Cars
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