S.S. Ore Prince Class Ships

S.S. Ore Prince
S.S. Ore Prince, leader in a series of ore ships, built by National Bulk Carriers, Kure Shipbuilding Division.

The Ore Prince Class Ships

These three ships were built for Universe Tankships in the company shipyard in Kure, Japan. They were built more or less along the same lines as the tankers built in the same yard. These were single screw ore ships, and again, they used parts salvaged and scrounged from surplus. For photos of the other two ships of the class, click on the ship name in the table below.

Ship Hull# Built GRT DWT Length Beam Comments
Ore Prince 48 1956 15,652 44,675 735'6" 98'4" Lead ship in a new class of larger single screw ore carriers. Engine made 1945, fitted 1956.
Ore Regent 49 1956 15,655 44,632 735'6" 98'4" Like Ore Prince. Engine made 1945, fitted 1956. Renamed Sea Navigator c.1979. No longer listed in Lloyds Register 1980/81 edition. Probably scrapped 1979.
Ore Monarch 50 1956 15,665 44,632 735'6" 98'4" Like Ore Prince. Engine made 1945, fitted 1956.

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Created by A. Davis Whittaker, Jr.