S.S. J. Louis

S.S. J. Louis
S.S. J. Louis, 36,000 ton bulk carrier operated by Universe Tankships, a subsidiary of National Bulk Carriers. (Photo courtesy of J. James)

S.S. J. Louis

J. Louis was built by National Bulk Carriers, Kure Shipbuilding Division, Kure, Japan in 1961.  Very similar in design to Richard (Hull #60), a bauxite carrier built by the same yard in 1957.

Ship Hull# Built GRT DWT Length Beam Comments
J. Louis 84 1961 20,253 36,312 669'6" 90'5" Bulk carrier similar to many of the other large ore and bulk carriers built by National Bulk Carriers in Kure, Japan.

For comments and information, please contact me here at kq6sl@arrl.net in Newport, RI.
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Created by A. Davis Whittaker, Jr.