S.S. Dorothy Bradford

Steamer Dorothy Bradford
The Steamboat S.S. Dorothy Bradford, a steamer out of Baltimore.

Dorothy Bradford

Dorothy Bradford, formerly the S.S. Charlotte, was built by Neafie & Levy of Philadelphia, PA for the Cape Cod Steamship Co. of Boston, MA.  She was propelled by a three cylinder triple expansion steam engine powered by 2 single ended Scotch boilers working at 150 PSI.  She was broken up in 1937 following the financial demise of her company.

Ship Built GRT Length Beam Comments
Dorothy Bradford 1889 1,747 228' 38' 3-cylinder triple expansion engine, 1,200 IHP. Single screw steamer.

For comments and information, please contact me here at dwhitt@cox.net in Newport, RI.
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Created by A. Davis Whittaker, Jr.