In Memory of P.D.
I remember the
day I went to the animal shelter to pick out a new dog. You were
not the one I went to get, but once I saw that awesome smile and
wagging tail, my heart was won.You were about 10 months old at
the time. You were always mama's girl, so special to me. You shared
my life with Sooner for two years, and when she died of poisoning
I almost lost you too. The doctor's said you would probably be
brain damaged, but you were perfect once you recovered. Then,
you were the only dog for awhile, until daddy got Yukon, and you
were so happy to have a brother dog. Those young days with you
and Yukon were very special. The two of you racing to get home,
going on runs with us, racing through the house and down the stairs
to get your ball.
PD getting a bath |
PD and Santa |
Then we soon
moved to our condo. The day after Thanksgiving 1995,you found
Annie hiding behind an air conditioner unit. You soon had your
first sister since Sooner was poisoned. You were so accepting
of your new sister, never jealous. We soon moved to our house
and you soon had another sister to love, Thelmalou, our liver
dal. Again, you were a great sister, going from being the only
dog, to having two sisters to have to share mama's attention with.
PD and me in
Colorado, July 99, her last trip
PD, you were
my Colorado dog. The first time I went, it was just you and me.
Then you went two more times. It was our special place, and will
be really different without my smiling mugger pugger there. You
were in such good health, then for two days, you threw up and
wouldn't eat. Then came the diagnosis, chronic renal failure.
You gave a great fight for 10 days, but were just too sick. When
we took you to Dr. Bixler to put you to sleep so you could go
to the bridge, you wagged your tail and smiled for us one more
time. PD, you are always in our hearts.
Pics of PD
with me and with Paul before her trip to the Bridge. See how sick
she looks.
Click on Rainbow Bridge
graphic to see poem
Rainbow Bridge graphic
from rainbowsbridge.com
Click here to see Lend Me a Pup poem
Graphics on this page
obtained with permission from In Memory of Pets
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