Hey guys. Here is a bunch of photo's of my life and all the things that interact with it. From my friends to my family to the wild parties I throw so often, these are those photo's so everyone can see them and download them.
This is a collection of 3 photos digitally attached to eachother to make one photo!
Pull My finger
Previous News:UPDATED! Photos of My and Petes party, and a meeting with a very special someone!!! Enjoy!!!
Hi Guys. Well i know i haven't updated this site in like a year but I am going to spend the next few weeks doing it up. Now photos of Greece AND Hughtopia are appearing, including the sexual entity which is BeatBoy and the Kythera team! Come back every once and a while and check to see if it is updated.
29/11/02- OOOOOOOHHHHHH MMMMMYYYYY SSSSWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTT SSSSSSEEEEEEXXXXXXYYYYY HHHHHOOOOOTTTTT DDDDAAAAAMMMMMMNNNN! Today myself and Peter and to a much lesser extent Beck, met the king of PORN! We went into the beautiful city of Sydney and met RON JEREMY! One photo was taken and will be placed in the link asap! My exams are over.... and thus I now have timetofix up this site. Photos of my and Petes ancient party will be up,as will more Greece photos. Enjoy! GO RON GO! 19/9/02- HUGHTOPIA is now up..enjoy the photos andmore to come.. sorry these are just a handful of them... about 5 or 10 more to go... otherwise I am fine.. ohh watch out... the 14th of september is my bday, the 20th of sept Pete and I are having a group birthday party. will keep you up to date!! 18/8/02- Been ages since i have come to this site let alone fix it up.. it will have Hughtopia pics soon... just got to find my photo albums. Uni is back, jeez i first made this site when i first started uni. Anyways Greece was awesome and i hope everyone enjoys the pics. Leave a guestbook note!!!
Well long time no write. But now HUGHTOPIA ha hit the shores. Hughtopia is the name a of a country we gave creation to at schoolies.... but through a bit of design help it turned into a land of disco(dancing) porn(explains itself). SO COME FORTH AND CELEBRATE MY 19TH BIRTHDAY! 15TH OSF SEPTEMBER, BYO 56 COOLONG RD VAUCLUSE. DONT TELL MANY PEOPLE BUT YOU CAN ALL BRING A FRIEND IF YOU WANT. AND TELL ALL MY FRIENDS THAT DON'T KNOW. ONWARDS AND UPWARDS FELLOW HUGHIANS OR HUGHTOPIA 28/02/01- Uni has started and damn are some of theose lectures boring and well it is great that I have roughly 27 hours of uni a week... WOO-FUCKING-HOO. Anyways I prefer it then school.... Otherwise shit all has happened in my life....
25/02/01-Well the end of Holidays and on to uni is my news for the week. After 4 ,fun and interesting months {Never-ever always makes the holidays fun...} I am going back to do even more learning. I am studing Arts/ Science at sydney with majors in Ancient history and Computer Science.
Page created on 25/02/2001