D I M E N S I O N: Vert
The Mix of the Biological and Physical
This is the page dedicated to my interests in various displines such as biology, bioengineering, biotechnology, and mechanical engineering in general.
Science Links

National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.) and its Search Engine.
Biomedical Resources on the Web -- hosted by the US National Library of Medicine
ChemExperts - research for properties of organic compounds and suppliers.
Yahoo! Science - interesting sites categorised by Yahoo!
Chemistry Teaching Resources - hosted by Umea Univeristy
Protein Data Bank - structures of proteins.
Health Canada and its Search Engine.
RasMol - a program that may view and manipulate protein structure data from the Protein Data Bank.
National Center for Biotechnology Information - GenBank, Human Genome, etc of the National Institute of Health.
Introduction to Molecular Biology
The Virtual Frog dissection kit
Virtual Fly Lab - No REAL drosophila were killed or harmed during the manipulation.
The Whole Brain
Atlas of Harvard University - examine the central processing unit of the Man. (MRI pictures)
McGill University Medical Sites - very useful.
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - where would you like to go today? Jupiter? No problemo.
Ivan Semeniuk's
Astronomy Links from the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto, Canada - A comprehensive list to surf the stars!
Rotating DNA model is from The American Society of Gene Therapy