Institute of Transformational Hypnotherapy

Professional hypnotherapy training leads to  certification as a hypnotherapist.
Our hypnosis school develops competent, caring professional hypnotherapists.
Weekend classes cover a wide range of hypnotherapy situations.

Professional Hypnotherapy Certification Training
The professional hypnotherapy training offered by the Institute of Transformational Hypnotherapy is a valuable adjunct for any health, counseling or teaching professional. This training gives participants a broad based understanding of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Participants will learn and practice a variety of hypnotic techniques from the very first class.

This training also provides an in-depth review of the therapeutic applications of hypnosis. Participants will learn to apply hypnotherapy in a variety of client situations. Through lectures, demonstrations, and practice, participants will learn hypnotherapeutic methods for emotional clearing, age regression, NLP techniques, analytical hypnotherapy, advanced ideomotor methods, pain management, mind-body healing, and inner child processes. Students receive supervised practice beginning the first day of class. Special emphasis will be put on emotional-cognitive integration and spiritual concepts.

This comprehensive hypnotherapy training is provided in a supportive collegial atmosphere. It  provides hypnotherapeutic skills professionals are looking for in a convenient weekend format.

Who should take this training?
The training  is designed for those in the helping professions, such as: medical personnel, psychologists, social workers, therapists, counselors, and individuals who wish to become hypnotherapists.

State Licensed School
The Institite of Transformational Hypnotherapy is licensed by the State of Michigan.

What you will learn
The training  consists of three 40 hour sequential programs leading to certification as a hypnotherapist. Click on arrows to the left for more details.
Hypnosis 101
Hypnosis 101: The first program teaches you the fundamentals of hypnosis.
Hypnosis 201
Hypnosis 201: In the second program you will learn and practice hypnotherapy.
Hypnosis 301
Hypnosis 301: Then in the third program you will learn advanced applications of hypnotherapy.

What is hypnosis and hypnotherapy
Learn more about hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
What is hypnosis?
What is hynosis? by Robert F. Ranger, M.A. C.C.H.

Robert Ranger
Robert Ranger, M.A., C.C.H. is the founder and director of the Institute of Transformational Hypnotherapy. He is certified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners. As a practicing hypnotherapist, he works with a broad range of situations such as pain control, childhood traumas, intuitive development and enhancing creativity. Robert lectures and conducts workshops nationally on hypnosis and applications of hypnotherapy. For more details click on arrow to the left.
Robert Ranger is certified by the following boards and associations: International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association, National Board of Hypnotic Anesthesiology, and American Council of Hypnotist Examiners. He is also a professional member of the Association for Past Life Research and Therapies.

Schedule of Classes
Schedule of Classes
The sequence of programs leading to hypnotherapy certification begins in the fall term of each year and is completed in the spring. You may  reach the Institute by mail: Institute of Transformational Hypnotherapy, P.O. Box 1293, East  Lansing, Michigan 48826,  phone 517 374-6156 or download, and fill out and mail an application form. To download pdf file with dates of classes click on the arrow to the left.
We encourage you to call and speak with an instructor personally. Robert Ranger can be reached in the Lansing, Michigan area at (517) 374-6156. A phone call can often clarify your questions and concerns, as well as, begin the interview process prior to admissions.

What former students have to say. What Former Students Say
Students come from many walks of life, e.g. physicians, psychologists, nurses, social workers, professors, business people, massage therapists, and school teachers. Students often find the hypnotherapy training transforms both their personal and professional lives. Read what former students have said concerning their experiences at the Institute of Transformational Hypnotherapy. To review comments click on arrow to the left.

Write or call to receive an application, or download the Application Form in Acrobat PDF format, click link.: The Acrobat Reader is free from

Past Life WS
Past Life Workshop
What is hypnosis?
Emotional Release Methods

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Institute of Transformational Hypnotherap

For futher information contact:
Robert Ranger, M.A., C.C.H.
Instiute of Transformation Hypnotherapy
P.O. Box 1293
East Lansing, Michigan 48826
Phone: (517) 374-6156
Thanks for visiting. Feel free to call us.

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