Don Gardner's Satellite Tracking Page

39.1799 North, 76.8406 West, 100m ASL

Last TLE file updated 20 May 2002

The Moo Cruise - July 2001

There are several things that you need to know in order to visually observe an object in orbit around the earth.

Fisrt, you need to know the location of the object. (TLE area)
Second you need to know your location (Latitude and longitude). (Location area)
Third, you need software to determine where and when the object will be visible. (Software area)
Fourth, you need to know the correct time, as accurately as possible.(Time area)

TLE Download Area

Description of Two Line Element (TLE) file ( Orbital Element Description )


Geocities FTP

Combination of several TLE files. Updated 20 May 2002. (~200k)

NASA - GSFC Orbital Information Group (OIG) - Contains the most recent TLEs (500 TLEs/day limit)
Space Shuttle Orbital Elements (OIG) - Contains all of OIG's special interest TLEs (updated 2x/day)
Dave Ransom's FTP Site - files
Dr. Kelso's TLE Sets - from USAF Inst of Technology
Mike McCants TLE Site - McCants (~1400 TLEs) file + many others
Alan Pickup's TLE sets - Many updated hourly - Now including 8000+ TLEs

Latitude + Longitude Information

Tiger Mapping Service Lat+Long for USA locations from the U.S Census
Etak Eagle Coding - Digital Mapping Service
GEOnet Names Server Lat+Long for the world from the National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Tracking Software
VSOHP Software Page- Begin here - the very best of shareware for download
Computer programs and data related to satellite tracking - Mike McCants SW page
Celestrak Software Page - More shareware for download
AMSAT Software Page

Time Links
Greenwich 2000- Home of GMT (UTC, Zulu) Time
Correct Time - U.S. Naval Observatory's Master Clock (requires Netscape)
Infa net Atomic Clock Time
WWV Homepage - Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) at 5, 10, 15, and 20 MHz
Information on Time and Frequency Services- Univ. of Deleware

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