01) N923: "Approach, how far 12) "AmTran 726, sorry about from the airport are we 'in minutes?" that, Center thought you were a Approach: "Nine Two Three, the Midway arrival. Just sit back, relax, faster you go, the quicker you'll get and pass out some more cookies. here." We'll get you to Milwaukee." 02) Approach: "American Two 13) Airliner: "Approach, what's Twenty, eneey, meeny, miney, mo, how our sequence?" do you hear my radio?" Approach: "Calling for the sequence I missed your callsign, but 03) Approach: "Wisconsin Three if I find out what it is, you're last," Thirty-Five, caution wake turbulence, there's Wisconsin Three-Forty-Five on 14) "Sure you can have eight the frequency." miles behind the heavy, there'll be a United Tri-jet between you and 04) "I don't mind altitude separation him." as long as they're not on top of each other." 15) Southwest 436: "Approach, Southwest 436, you want us to tum 05) Airliner: "We were told runway right to 090?11 9 ... we'll take out the 14R approach Approach: "No, I want your plate." brother to turn. Just do it and don't Approach: "Captain, you've got 60 argue." miles to take it out, have a ball." 16) UAL 525: "Approach, United 06) Approach: "The traffic at nine Five Two Five, what's this aircraft o'clock's gonna do a little Linda doing at my altitude?" Ronstadt on you." Approach: What makes you Airliner: "Linda Ronstadt? What's think it's your altitude, Captain?" that?" Approach: "Well, sir, they're 17) Approach: "Delta 176, say gonna 'Blue Bayou. speed." Delta 176: "Approach, we 07) Airliner: "I can see the country slowed it down to two-twenty. " club down below, looks like a lot of Approach: "Pick it back up to controllers out there!" two-fifty. This ain't Atlanta and Approach: "Yes, sir, there are, and them ain't grits on the ground." they're caddying for DC-10 drivers like you. 18) Airliner: "Request runway 27 right. " 08) "Zero Seven Kilo, you look like Approach: "Unable." you're established on the localizer and I Airliner: "Approach, do you don't know the names of any of the know the wind at 6000 is 270 at fixes, you're cleared for the ILS 50?" approach. Call the tower." Approach: "Yeah, I do. If we could jack the airport up to 5500, 09) "Air Force Four Five, it you could have that runway. appears your engine has ... oh, Expect 14 right." disregard, I see you've already ejected." 10) Airliner: "The First Officer 19) Interphone: "Hey, O'Hare, you says he's got you in sight." see the 7600 code flashing five Approach: "Roger, the First northwest of Gary?" Officer's cleared for a visual O'Hare: "Yeah, I do, you guys approach runway 27 right, you talkin' to him?" continue on that 180 heading and descend to 3000." 11) Airliner: "Approach, what's 20) Airliner: "How far behind the tower?" traffic are we?" Approach: "That's a big tall Approach: "Three miles." building with glass all around it, Airliner: "That doesn't look but that's not important right now." like three miles to us." Approach: "You're a mile-and- a-half from him, he's a mile-and-a- half from you, that's three miles."