I sent the following to both NY Senators and my Congressman: I live in Brooklyn NY and have worked for TWA as a mechanic since June of 1967. Recently I was told that I was being furloughed because of the fallout of the Word Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. The claim is that the drop in passengers is the cause. I have two complaints that I would like you to consider. #1. A bill was just passed to bail the airlines out to the tune of $15 billion. Why can't some of that money be used to keep the employees working during the slump. Also, they are using a "act of war" clause to renege on their obligation to pay each of us 13 weeks severance. #2. American Airlines was not the highest bidder for TWA, but was awarded the right to buy us because they would take care of the employees best. They laid off everyone at JFK and had planned on laying us off before the WTC incident. Prior to Labor day, there were 328 aircraft mechanics between JFK, LGA & EWR working for TWA. As of Labor day that dropped to 110. As of October 7, it will be ZERO. There will also be a layoff of all baggage loaders, plane cleaners, guards, etc. (a total of over 2500 TWA IAM workers). In fact they are closing the whole TWA operation in the NY area. AA/TWA says that I can keep my job as long as I transfer to Missouri. I was born and raised in Brooklyn and am 56 years old. They think that offing me a job 1500 miles away is all that I am entitled to. I helped pay the taxes that made up the Airline bailout. Here are the senator's e-mail addresses: senator@schumer.senate.gov senator@clinton.senate.gov And if you go to the following page and put in your zip, you will be able to contact your congressman http://www.house.gov/writerep/ Freddie Venezia ********PLEASE HIT THE BACK ARROW ON YOUR BROWSER TO RETURN********