General Information: To make a molecule click on the buttons at the top of the screen of the desired atoms. The atoms will appear in the right margin of the window. Click on any atom and drag it to the center of the screen. Click on the atom you wish to bond with the atom in the center of the screen and drag it to the side of the atom where bonding is to take place. A single bond will form between the atoms. Continue in this fashion until the molecule is completed. When a molecule which follows the octet rule is completed you will be notified. Just because a molecule follows the octet rule does not mean that it will exist.
Menu Items:
Molecule Menu:
New will start a new molecule.
Exit will quit the program.
Edit Menu:
Undo will back up the molecule building process one step.
Multiple Bond will allow you to make a double or triple bond between two atoms where a single or double bond exists. After choosing Multiple Bond click the left mouse button on the bond that you want to become a double bond(if currently a single bond) or a triple bond(if currently a double bond).
Add Electron will add an electron to any atom on the screen. After selecting Add Electron click the left mouse button on the atom which is to gain the electron. Useful for making polyatomic ions.
Subtract Electron will subtract an electron from any atom on the screen. After selecting Subtract Electron click the left mouse button on the atom which is to lose the electron. Useful for making polyatomic ions.
View Menu:
3-D View will show the molecule in three dimensions. To rotate the molecule press the Animate button. To stop rotation press the Stop Animate button. Click on the Return button to return to the main program.
Practice Menu:
Organic Chemistry will present a series of organic compounds with a short tutorial on organic chemistry. When the tutorial is active the Structure Menu will be functional. Select Next for the next molecule, Previous for the previous molecule, and Start Again to start the present compound over.
Download Bondit for Windows 3.1 and higher