Source: Peoples Magazine, South Africa, 5-18th August, 1996.
of a spaceship found near the sunken Titanic proves the legendary
ocean liner was involved with the UFO during its deadly plunge to the bottom of the sea.
The UFO was located just meters from the remains of the Titanic by a French-British oceanographic team. "Our pictures show the first real evidence of what happened to the Titanic, says Edmund Quincy, a member of the international team. "It's clear from the hole in the hull of the ship and the damage to the space vehicle that the two clashed somehow."
The saucer-shaped object has several massive cracks in it and a few huge pieces are lying around it.
Pieces that look like they come from the UFO were also found near the Titanic itself. The researchers say this proves there was a collision.
No aliens were found because the explorers weren't able to get close enough to look inside. Mobile robotic units were used to take videos and pictures of the crashed vehicle.
The sunken luxury liner was discovered on the sea bottom in 1985. Since that time, investigators have examined the hole that was supposedly caused by an iceberg.
"The hole does not appear to have been smashed by thousands of tons of solid ice," says Dr Raymond Selzner, a Belgian researcher who has studied photographs of the Titanic wreckage. "The hole looks smooth as if burned by a laser. At the time there was no explanation except for an iceberg."
There were no reports of UFOs on April 12th, 1912 when the Titanic went down on its maiden voyage, claiming more than 1,500 lives.
"Historians have always wondered about a mysterious ship seen by the S.S.Californian in the area," says Dr Selzner. "This ship has never been found. It's possible it could have been a UFO." Dr Selzner believes the hole in the ship was caused by a laser-like weapon, and that the UFO might have crashed into the Titanic as it was going down.
Quincy says photos and videos taken by the French-British teams will be studied further. "We want to find out why the UFO came to be down there and how it happened," he says [end quoting]
Reporter's comments:
One gets the impression that every conceivable avenue will be exploited to bring "aliens" to the attention of the public consciousness. Can that fake "alien invasion" be far behind?
This editor:
"Fake invasion" refers to the planned holographic representation of the "Second Coming", sometimes referred to as "The Rapture", complete with "Messiah" and space-craft, initially planned to coincide with one of Dr Billy Graham's world-wide campaigns. It was planned for 1994, then twice in 1995 but failed to get off the ground. [see "Project Blue Beam"] It appears the Russians took out too many of the satellites necessary to show this simultaneously world-wide.
The video documentary "Titanic - Death of a Dream" indicated that there was no rush to abandon ship and little in the way of an impact noticed, but passengers and crew on both ships mentioned above saw the 'bright light on the horizon' - which might well indicate the presence of another 'ship.'