1998 Experimental Balloon And Airship Meet

The Experimental Balloon and Airship Meet took place in Post Mills, Vermont, the weekend of May 15-17, 1998. Balloonmeister, Builder, and Experimenter Extraordinaire Brian Boland hosted this extravagantly compact gathering of aeronauts at his own airport!


If you wish to contact him about his event or anything else, here's his address:

Brian Boland
Post Mills Airport
P.O. Box 51
Post Mills, VT 05058
(802) 333-9254

New additions to the festival included Boland's new pressurized hot air airship! I found out it features two counter-rotating props with a pressurizing fan mounted on the roof of the car. That's where the third engine comes in.

All files have been uploaded. Some may be a little screwed up, so when you get to them, let me know which files don't work.

For all those who I met at the meet (good concept, meeting people at a "meet"):
I went up to VT empty-handed, and wound up coming home with a balloon. I thank "Wild Bill" Whelan and Robert Godin (both from Ontario, Canada) for just about donating an old envelope of theirs. They sold it to me for one U.S. dollar!

Click Here to see a picture of the Ratmobile.

In the years since I originally published this page, I've gone far in ballooning, having built a number of new balloons and getting my commercial license; next on the agenda is a season flying special shapes. Perhaps I might build a hot air airship (a.k.a. thermal airship) sometime in the future?

Go to the "official" EBAA homepage for more details about the EBAA: www.hotairship.com/ebaa

Visit www.NJHotair.com for hot air balloon rides in New Jersey and other areas (NJ, NYC, PA, New York, Pennsylvania), and TONS of high-quality photos!

This page was originally published in 1998 and sporadically updated a couple times since then. All pictures on this page are mine! Not yours! But you can do whatever the heck you want with any of them because I'm a nice guy.

Soft landings,
Jon Radowski

This page has been accessed more than 12,000 times since 5/6/98.
Last updated on 2/15/2003 4:44 PM EST

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