Alternative Energy Resources

Solar Energy
Wind Energy
Other Resources

Solar Energy

Provides a great long distance course for planing and installing solar energy.
Solar Energy
"I have a strong professional interest in the solar energy resource -- How it is measured, how it is characterized, and how that information is used in the design of solar energy systems. Recently our group has prepared maps using both ground measurements and data from earth satellite cloud cover observations covering the continental U.S. and Mexico."
Solar Energy International - SEI
Providers of education and technical assistance for renewable energy technologies
PV Power Resource Site
This is a site for the coordination and dissemination of information of global photovoltaic (PV) technologies, applications, history, and resources. Photovoltaics is a semiconductor technology that silently converts light energy into direct-current (dc) electricity, with no moving parts, burning no fuel, and creating no pollution.
Passive Solar Industries Council
The PSIC Guidelines provide the designer the tools necessary for creating a well performing passive solar home. The PSIC workshops -- now used nationwide to train thousands of building professionals -- can quickly help the designers, builders, developers and code officials learn the use of those tools.
PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
GEMINI inhabited solar power plant is a cheap 115 m² heat energy free one family house.
EcoNet Renewable Energy Resources

Wind Energy

EcoNet Energy Resources -- Wind
Wind related web sites
BWEA Home Page
The British Wind Energy Association was established in 1979 as a professional association for those involved in wind energy research and development.
TALLER DE PROJECTES - Engineering & Architecture


Energy 10 Software
The Low-Energy Buildings Package (Includes: Guidelines and ENERGY-10 software) is a unique user-friendly and powerful energy design tool. The package integrates daylighting, passive solar heating, and low-energy cooling strategies with energy-efficient envelope design, and mechanical equipment, allowing detailed simulation and performance analysis.

Other Resources

CADDET Energy Efficiency collects, analyses, and disseminates information on new energy-saving technologies that have been demonstrated in applications in industry, buildings, transport, utilities, and agriculture.
Red Optet
The Network of OPETs (Organisations for the Promotion of Energy Technologies) has been set up by the European Commission’s INNOVATION and JOULE-THERMIE Programmes to promote the wider use of non-nuclear energy technologies.

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