Margam Chandrasekaran's home page
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Hi,This is  Margam Chandrasekaran and I come from Madras, India. I did my bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering from Regional Engineering College, Silchar and subsequently worked at Indian Institute of Technology Madras as a research associate and did my master's by research in the department of Metallurgical Engineering. I did my dcotoral in the area of Direct Observation of Frictional Seizure by X-ray Imaging at the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (formerly School of Mechanical and Production Engineering Nanyang Technological University. I am currently the Chief Scientist for Bio-scaffold International Pte Ltd Before joining Bio-scaffold International Pte Ltd I was with Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology(formerly known as GINTIC) as a research scientist 

Areas of Interest

My areas of interest include Powder Metallurgy, Composites, Intermetallics,Squeeze Casting, Tribology,Biomaterials,X-ray Imaging,High temperature materials,Metal Forming and Mechanical behaviour of materials.

You can click to see my 
You can click to see my nephew in here


Indian Patent for a new dry iron based antifriction material
3 Patent Applications with IPOS Singapore/ US Provisional Patent application

Membership in Professional bodies

1. Life member, Powder Metallurgy Association of India.
2. Member,

3. Member, 
4. Member, 


My Favourite Collection of Pictures :

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This page has been accessed times after 10th Dec 97
This page was last modified on 24th October. 2008