Interesting Jodrell Bank Links :
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Jodrell Bank Home Page - The Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories at Jodrell Bank are a part of the University of Manchester's Department of Physics and Astronomy. The...
The Jodrell Bank CMB Group - The Jodrell Bank CMB Research Group. Group members. Staff at Jodrell Bank. Professor R. D. Davies – Director of N.R.A.L., Jodrell Bank. Dr. Richard..
Postdoctoral opportunities at Jodrell Bank - Postdoctoral opportunities at Jodrell Bank. The Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC ) fund four postdoctoral positions at Jodrell Bank..
Jodrell Bank - Jodrell Bank. Jodrell Bank is the home of the "Lovell Telecope" one of the largest radio telescopes in the world. The telescope first came to public...
NWGAS Displays at Jodrell Bank Science Centre - NWGAS Displays at Jodrell Bank Science Centre. Sunday, 1996 May 26 to Monday, May 27. The Lovell Telescope, with Arboretum in forground. Jodrell Bank...
Stellar Radio Astronomy at Jodrell Bank - Stellar Radio Astronomy at Jodrell Bank. Using MERLIN, the VLA, and VLBI, the Stellar Radio Astronomy group study the following Radio Stars: Novae. Nova...
The 5GHz CMB Interferometer at Jodrell Bank - The 5GHz CMB Interferometer at Jodrell Bank. Click on the picture for a larger version (79kB). This instrument, located at N.R.A.L., Jodrell Bank, 30km...
Cosmic Microwave Background Research - Jodrell Bank - Welcome to the Jodrell Bank CMB home page. From here you can find out about... The Cosmic Microwave Background – an introduction. The Jodrell Bank...
The 5GHz CMB Interferometer at Jodrell Bank - The 5GHz CMB Interferometer at Jodrell Bank. Click on the picture for a larger version (79kB). This instrument, located at N.R.A.L., Jodrell Bank, 30km...
Jodrell Bank - My Research At Jodrell Bank. Can be summarised thusly.... My thesis, The Effect of the Ionosphere on MERLIN Observations and Radio Studies of Spiral...
Jodrell Bank Pulsar Page - PULSARS at Jodrell Bank. --> Group members are Andrew Lyne, Jon Bell, Fernando Camilo, Lee Hannan, Chris Martin, Bob Pritchard and Dan Sheppard assisted...
New discoveries presented at Jodrell Bank 50th birthday conference - New discoveries presented at Jodrell Bank 50th birthday conference. 24th January 1996 - Jodrell Bank is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a conference.
CHiDE: Jodrell Bank Exhibit - Jodrell Bank. Location: CHiDE Museum, Cilvil Applications Room. civillian applications room plan. museum plan. home page. Nuffield Radio Astronomy...
Stellar Radio Astronomy at Jodrell Bank - Stellar Radio Astronomy at Jodrell Bank. Using MERLIN, the VLA, and VLBI, the Stellar Radio Astronomy group study the following Radio Stars: Novae. X-Ray..
The Stars of Jodrell Bank! - The Stars of Jodrell Bank! The Stellar group at Jodrell Bank currently consists of two staff and three PhD students: Staff. Ralph Spencer. Richard Davis...
Jodrell Bank - Previous: Bonn Correlator Up: Station Reports Next: Medicina Previous Page: Bonn Correlator Next Page: Medicina. Jodrell Bank. Burgess noted that several..
X-ray Binaries at Jodrell Bank - X-ray Binaries at Jodrell Bank. Using MERLIN, the VLA, and VLBI, the Stellar Radio Astronomy group study the following X-Ray Binaries: CYG X-3. SS433. GRS.
Wolf-Rayet Stars at Jodrell Bank - Wolf Rayet Stars at Jodrell Bank. Using MERLIN, the VLA, and VLBI, the Stellar Radio Astronomy group study the following Wolf-Rayet Stars: WR 140. WR 146..
Alternative Jodrell Bank Home Page - We have moved. Due to a small reorganisation to make managing the alternative WWW pages easier, the Jodrell Bank Alternative Home Page has moved to it's...
Statistical Results from the First Caltech--Jodrell Bank VLBI Survey - Previous abstract. Next abstract. Session 100 -- AGN: Unified Picture. Oral presentation, Friday, January 14, 2:15-3:45, Crystal Forum Room (Crystal City..
Alternative Jodrell Bank Home Page - Welcome to the Alternative Jodrell Bank Home Page. Roddy is no longer with us, Stewart's got a job, and Paul has finished his MSc, so it is now up to me...
Jodrell Bank Computing & Information Systems -
Jodrell Bank VLBI Page - VLBI at Jodrell Bank. This Page Last Updated 31/May/96. VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) is a method of utilising two or more radio telescopes at..
Cosmic Microwave Background Research - Jodrell Bank - Welcome to the Jodrell Bank CMB home page. From here you can find out about... The Cosmic Microwave Background – an introduction. The Jodrell Bank...
Symbiotic Stars at Jodrell Bank - Symbiotic Stars at Jodrell Bank. Using MERLIN and the VLA, the Stellar Radio Astronomy group study the following Symbiotic Stars: Z Andromedae. R Aquarii..
Manchester - Jodrell Bank (mbn) - Manchester - Jodrell Bank (mbn) Weekly User Reports for Manchester University - Jodrell Bank (mbn) Monthly User Reports for Manchester University -...
The Caltech - Jodrell Bank VLBI Surveys - The Caltech-Jodrell Bank VLBI Surveys. The `Pearson-Readhead' Survey (PR) Pearson, T. J., Readhead, A. C. S. 1981, ApJ, 248, 61-81 The milli-arcsecond...
Alternative Jodrell Bank Home Page - Welcome to the Alternative Jodrell Bank Home Page. This server. This web server (currently only accessible from the Jodrell machines) features the home...
Roddy Calder - Founder of the Alternative Jodrell Bank Home Page - To.
Imágenes de Jodrell Bank -
Access to the Data: Arrangements for Visiting Jodrell Bank - Next: What MERLIN Data Up: MERLIN Operations Previous: Scheduling of Observations. Access to the Data: Arrangements for Visiting Jodrell Bank. If an...
Gravitational lenses - Gravitational lens research at Jodrell Bank. About gravitational lenses. The Jodrell Bank-VLA Astrometric Survey (JVAS). Lens 0218+357. Lens 1422+231....
Simon J. Melhuish - Home Page - Simon J. Melhuish - Home Page. This page is under construction. You can mail me. You can look at the Jodrell Bank, CMB Group pages. Who am I? I am a...
Publications - Publications. Davies, R.D., 1991. Report on the researches in radio astronomy at Jodrell Bank for the year ending December 31, 1990. Q.JlR.astr.Soc., 32,..
Marcin Kolonko home page - Marcin Kolonko home page. My affiliation: NRAL, University of Manchester, Jodrell Bank , Cheshire, England. I am involved in pulsar group supervised by...
Probing the Eclipse Region of a Binary Millisecond Pulsar - Probing the Eclipse Region of a Binary Millisecond Pulsar B. W. Stappers (MSSSO, Australia), M. Bailes (ATNF, CSIRO, Australia and University of...
The CLASS Survey - The CLASS survey. The CLASS survey is a collaboration between Jodrell Bank, Caltech (USA) and Leiden/Dwingeloo (Netherlands) which aims to find new cases..
Gravitational lens 1600+434 - The gravitational lens 1600+434. Reference: Jackson et al. Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc., 274, L25 (1995) The above plate shows radio and optical images of the..
NCSA ADIL: List of Object Telescopes - List of Telescopes currently recognized by the database. Use your browser's string searching function (e.g. on NCSA Mosaic, the Control-S key sequence or..
7 Appendix 2. JIVE Personnel - Next: 8 Appendix 3. International Up: JOINT INSTITUTE FOR VLBI Previous: 6 Appendix 1. JIVE. 7 Appendix 2. JIVE Personnel. Prof. R. T. Schilizzi Director..
What MERLIN Data Reduction Involves - Next: Conditions of Use Up: MERLIN Operations Previous: Access to the. What MERLIN Data Reduction Involves. MERLIN data reduction is best done at...
Links to Outstations - Next: Signal Transmission and Up: The MERLIN System Previous: Location of Telescopes. Links to Outstations. There are three links between each...
Discovery of PSR J0437-4715 - Discovery of a very bright, nearby binary millisecond pulsar. Simon Johnston (ATNF, CSIRO, Australia), D. R. Lorimer (NRAL, Jodrell Bank, UK), P. A....
Video - Video Shoot at Jodrell Bank July 95. The video of the new D:REAM single was filmed over two days at Jodrell Bank, the giant radio telescope of the...
NAW'96 Events - NAW'96 Events. Select the area you are interested in... National. Scotland. North East. North West. Wales. Central. London and South East. South West....
Simon J. Melhuish - Home Page - Simon J. Melhuish - Home Page. This page is under construction. You can mail me. You can look at the Jodrell Bank, CMB Group pages. Who am I? I am a...
No Title - Jodrell Bank Archive. The Jodrell Bank Archive is held at the John Rylands Library of the University of Manchester . The JBA catalogue is available here ..
Discovery of Three Binary Millisecond Pulsars - Discovery of Three Binary Millisecond Pulsars M. Bailes (NRAL, Jodrell Bank, University of Manchester, UK), P. A. Harrison (NRAL, Jodrell Bank, University.
No Title - The Univ of Manchester (Jodrell Bank) and The Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe (JIVE) Applications are invited for the fixed-term post of JIVE Support...
Economic Development in Cheshire - Macclesfield - Macclesfield. Jodrell Bank. The Borough runs from the mid Cheshire plain in the west to the Peak District in the east and its towns of Macclesfield,...
Jodrell Bank - My Research At Jodrell Bank. Can be summarised thusly.... My thesis, The Effect of the Ionosphere on MERLIN Observations and Radio Studies of Spiral...
Jodrell Bank Home Page - The Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories at Jodrell Bank are a part of the University of Manchester's Department of Physics and Astronomy. The...
The Jodrell Bank CMB Group - The Jodrell Bank CMB Research Group. Group members. Staff at Jodrell Bank. Professor R. D. Davies – Director of N.R.A.L., Jodrell Bank. Dr. Richard..
Postdoctoral opportunities at Jodrell Bank - Postdoctoral opportunities at Jodrell Bank. The Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC ) fund four postdoctoral positions at Jodrell Bank..
Jodrell Bank - Jodrell Bank. Jodrell Bank is the home of the "Lovell Telecope" one of the largest radio telescopes in the world. The telescope first came to public...
NWGAS Displays at Jodrell Bank Science Centre - NWGAS Displays at Jodrell Bank Science Centre. Sunday, 1996 May 26 to Monday, May 27. The Lovell Telescope, with Arboretum in forground. Jodrell Bank...
Stellar Radio Astronomy at Jodrell Bank - Stellar Radio Astronomy at Jodrell Bank. Using MERLIN, the VLA, and VLBI, the Stellar Radio Astronomy group study the following Radio Stars: Novae. Nova...
The 5GHz CMB Interferometer at Jodrell Bank - The 5GHz CMB Interferometer at Jodrell Bank. Click on the picture for a larger version (79kB). This instrument, located at N.R.A.L., Jodrell Bank, 30km...
Cosmic Microwave Background Research - Jodrell Bank - Welcome to the Jodrell Bank CMB home page. From here you can find out about... The Cosmic Microwave Background – an introduction. The Jodrell Bank...
The 5GHz CMB Interferometer at Jodrell Bank - The 5GHz CMB Interferometer at Jodrell Bank. Click on the picture for a larger version (79kB). This instrument, located at N.R.A.L., Jodrell Bank, 30km...
Jodrell Bank Pulsar Page - PULSARS at Jodrell Bank. --> Group members are Andrew Lyne, Jon Bell, Fernando Camilo, Lee Hannan, Chris Martin, Bob Pritchard and Dan Sheppard assisted...
New discoveries presented at Jodrell Bank 50th birthday conference - New discoveries presented at Jodrell Bank 50th birthday conference. 24th January 1996 - Jodrell Bank is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a conference.
CHiDE: Jodrell Bank Exhibit - Jodrell Bank. Location: CHiDE Museum, Cilvil Applications Room. civillian applications room plan. museum plan. home page. Nuffield Radio Astronomy...
Stellar Radio Astronomy at Jodrell Bank - Stellar Radio Astronomy at Jodrell Bank. Using MERLIN, the VLA, and VLBI, the Stellar Radio Astronomy group study the following Radio Stars: Novae. X-Ray..
The Stars of Jodrell Bank! - The Stars of Jodrell Bank! The Stellar group at Jodrell Bank currently consists of two staff and three PhD students: Staff. Ralph Spencer. Richard Davis...
Jodrell Bank - Previous: Bonn Correlator Up: Station Reports Next: Medicina Previous Page: Bonn Correlator Next Page: Medicina. Jodrell Bank. Burgess noted that several..
X-ray Binaries at Jodrell Bank - X-ray Binaries at Jodrell Bank. Using MERLIN, the VLA, and VLBI, the Stellar Radio Astronomy group study the following X-Ray Binaries: CYG X-3. SS433. GRS.
Wolf-Rayet Stars at Jodrell Bank - Wolf Rayet Stars at Jodrell Bank. Using MERLIN, the VLA, and VLBI, the Stellar Radio Astronomy group study the following Wolf-Rayet Stars: WR 140. WR 146..
Alternative Jodrell Bank Home Page - We have moved. Due to a small reorganisation to make managing the alternative WWW pages easier, the Jodrell Bank Alternative Home Page has moved to it's...
Statistical Results from the First Caltech--Jodrell Bank VLBI Survey - Previous abstract. Next abstract. Session 100 -- AGN: Unified Picture. Oral presentation, Friday, January 14, 2:15-3:45, Crystal Forum Room (Crystal City..
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