Interesting Jodrell Bank Links :

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  • Jodrell Bank Home Page - The Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories at Jodrell Bank are a part of the University of Manchester's Department of Physics and Astronomy. The...

  • The Jodrell Bank CMB Group - The Jodrell Bank CMB Research Group. Group members. Staff at Jodrell Bank. Professor R. D. Davies – Director of N.R.A.L., Jodrell Bank. Dr. Richard..

  • Postdoctoral opportunities at Jodrell Bank - Postdoctoral opportunities at Jodrell Bank. The Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC ) fund four postdoctoral positions at Jodrell Bank..

  • Jodrell Bank - Jodrell Bank. Jodrell Bank is the home of the "Lovell Telecope" one of the largest radio telescopes in the world. The telescope first came to public...

  • NWGAS Displays at Jodrell Bank Science Centre - NWGAS Displays at Jodrell Bank Science Centre. Sunday, 1996 May 26 to Monday, May 27. The Lovell Telescope, with Arboretum in forground. Jodrell Bank...

  • Stellar Radio Astronomy at Jodrell Bank - Stellar Radio Astronomy at Jodrell Bank. Using MERLIN, the VLA, and VLBI, the Stellar Radio Astronomy group study the following Radio Stars: Novae. Nova...

  • The 5GHz CMB Interferometer at Jodrell Bank - The 5GHz CMB Interferometer at Jodrell Bank. Click on the picture for a larger version (79kB). This instrument, located at N.R.A.L., Jodrell Bank, 30km...

  • Cosmic Microwave Background Research - Jodrell Bank - Welcome to the Jodrell Bank CMB home page. From here you can find out about... The Cosmic Microwave Background – an introduction. The Jodrell Bank...

  • The 5GHz CMB Interferometer at Jodrell Bank - The 5GHz CMB Interferometer at Jodrell Bank. Click on the picture for a larger version (79kB). This instrument, located at N.R.A.L., Jodrell Bank, 30km...

  • Jodrell Bank - My Research At Jodrell Bank. Can be summarised thusly.... My thesis, The Effect of the Ionosphere on MERLIN Observations and Radio Studies of Spiral...

  • Jodrell Bank Pulsar Page - PULSARS at Jodrell Bank. --> Group members are Andrew Lyne, Jon Bell, Fernando Camilo, Lee Hannan, Chris Martin, Bob Pritchard and Dan Sheppard assisted...

  • New discoveries presented at Jodrell Bank 50th birthday conference - New discoveries presented at Jodrell Bank 50th birthday conference. 24th January 1996 - Jodrell Bank is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a conference.

  • CHiDE: Jodrell Bank Exhibit - Jodrell Bank. Location: CHiDE Museum, Cilvil Applications Room. civillian applications room plan. museum plan. home page. Nuffield Radio Astronomy...

  • Stellar Radio Astronomy at Jodrell Bank - Stellar Radio Astronomy at Jodrell Bank. Using MERLIN, the VLA, and VLBI, the Stellar Radio Astronomy group study the following Radio Stars: Novae. X-Ray..

  • The Stars of Jodrell Bank! - The Stars of Jodrell Bank! The Stellar group at Jodrell Bank currently consists of two staff and three PhD students: Staff. Ralph Spencer. Richard Davis...

  • Jodrell Bank - Previous: Bonn Correlator Up: Station Reports Next: Medicina Previous Page: Bonn Correlator Next Page: Medicina. Jodrell Bank. Burgess noted that several..

  • X-ray Binaries at Jodrell Bank - X-ray Binaries at Jodrell Bank. Using MERLIN, the VLA, and VLBI, the Stellar Radio Astronomy group study the following X-Ray Binaries: CYG X-3. SS433. GRS.

  • Wolf-Rayet Stars at Jodrell Bank - Wolf Rayet Stars at Jodrell Bank. Using MERLIN, the VLA, and VLBI, the Stellar Radio Astronomy group study the following Wolf-Rayet Stars: WR 140. WR 146..

  • Alternative Jodrell Bank Home Page - We have moved. Due to a small reorganisation to make managing the alternative WWW pages easier, the Jodrell Bank Alternative Home Page has moved to it's...

  • Statistical Results from the First Caltech--Jodrell Bank VLBI Survey - Previous abstract. Next abstract. Session 100 -- AGN: Unified Picture. Oral presentation, Friday, January 14, 2:15-3:45, Crystal Forum Room (Crystal City..

  • Alternative Jodrell Bank Home Page - Welcome to the Alternative Jodrell Bank Home Page. Roddy is no longer with us, Stewart's got a job, and Paul has finished his MSc, so it is now up to me...

  • Jodrell Bank Computing & Information Systems -

  • Jodrell Bank VLBI Page - VLBI at Jodrell Bank. This Page Last Updated 31/May/96. VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) is a method of utilising two or more radio telescopes at..

  • Cosmic Microwave Background Research - Jodrell Bank - Welcome to the Jodrell Bank CMB home page. From here you can find out about... The Cosmic Microwave Background – an introduction. The Jodrell Bank...

  • Symbiotic Stars at Jodrell Bank - Symbiotic Stars at Jodrell Bank. Using MERLIN and the VLA, the Stellar Radio Astronomy group study the following Symbiotic Stars: Z Andromedae. R Aquarii..

  • Manchester - Jodrell Bank (mbn) - Manchester - Jodrell Bank (mbn) Weekly User Reports for Manchester University - Jodrell Bank (mbn) Monthly User Reports for Manchester University -...

  • The Caltech - Jodrell Bank VLBI Surveys - The Caltech-Jodrell Bank VLBI Surveys. The `Pearson-Readhead' Survey (PR) Pearson, T. J., Readhead, A. C. S. 1981, ApJ, 248, 61-81 The milli-arcsecond...

  • Alternative Jodrell Bank Home Page - Welcome to the Alternative Jodrell Bank Home Page. This server. This web server (currently only accessible from the Jodrell machines) features the home...

  • Roddy Calder - Founder of the Alternative Jodrell Bank Home Page - To.

  • Imágenes de Jodrell Bank -

  • Access to the Data: Arrangements for Visiting Jodrell Bank - Next: What MERLIN Data Up: MERLIN Operations Previous: Scheduling of Observations. Access to the Data: Arrangements for Visiting Jodrell Bank. If an...

  • Gravitational lenses - Gravitational lens research at Jodrell Bank. About gravitational lenses. The Jodrell Bank-VLA Astrometric Survey (JVAS). Lens 0218+357. Lens 1422+231....

  • Simon J. Melhuish - Home Page - Simon J. Melhuish - Home Page. This page is under construction. You can mail me. You can look at the Jodrell Bank, CMB Group pages. Who am I? I am a...

  • Publications - Publications. Davies, R.D., 1991. Report on the researches in radio astronomy at Jodrell Bank for the year ending December 31, 1990. Q.JlR.astr.Soc., 32,..

  • Marcin Kolonko home page - Marcin Kolonko home page. My affiliation: NRAL, University of Manchester, Jodrell Bank , Cheshire, England. I am involved in pulsar group supervised by...

  • Probing the Eclipse Region of a Binary Millisecond Pulsar - Probing the Eclipse Region of a Binary Millisecond Pulsar B. W. Stappers (MSSSO, Australia), M. Bailes (ATNF, CSIRO, Australia and University of...

  • The CLASS Survey - The CLASS survey. The CLASS survey is a collaboration between Jodrell Bank, Caltech (USA) and Leiden/Dwingeloo (Netherlands) which aims to find new cases..

  • Gravitational lens 1600+434 - The gravitational lens 1600+434. Reference: Jackson et al. Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc., 274, L25 (1995) The above plate shows radio and optical images of the..

  • NCSA ADIL: List of Object Telescopes - List of Telescopes currently recognized by the database. Use your browser's string searching function (e.g. on NCSA Mosaic, the Control-S key sequence or..

  • 7 Appendix 2. JIVE Personnel - Next: 8 Appendix 3. International Up: JOINT INSTITUTE FOR VLBI Previous: 6 Appendix 1. JIVE. 7 Appendix 2. JIVE Personnel. Prof. R. T. Schilizzi Director..

  • What MERLIN Data Reduction Involves - Next: Conditions of Use Up: MERLIN Operations Previous: Access to the. What MERLIN Data Reduction Involves.   MERLIN data reduction is best done at...

  • Links to Outstations - Next: Signal Transmission and Up: The MERLIN System Previous: Location of Telescopes. Links to Outstations.   There are three links between each...

  • Discovery of PSR J0437-4715 - Discovery of a very bright, nearby binary millisecond pulsar. Simon Johnston (ATNF, CSIRO, Australia), D. R. Lorimer (NRAL, Jodrell Bank, UK), P. A....

  • Video - Video Shoot at Jodrell Bank July 95. The video of the new D:REAM single was filmed over two days at Jodrell Bank, the giant radio telescope of the...

  • NAW'96 Events - NAW'96 Events. Select the area you are interested in... National. Scotland. North East. North West. Wales. Central. London and South East. South West....

  • Simon J. Melhuish - Home Page - Simon J. Melhuish - Home Page. This page is under construction. You can mail me. You can look at the Jodrell Bank, CMB Group pages. Who am I? I am a...

  • No Title - Jodrell Bank Archive. The Jodrell Bank Archive is held at the John Rylands Library of the University of Manchester . The JBA catalogue is available here ..

  • Discovery of Three Binary Millisecond Pulsars - Discovery of Three Binary Millisecond Pulsars M. Bailes (NRAL, Jodrell Bank, University of Manchester, UK), P. A. Harrison (NRAL, Jodrell Bank, University.

  • No Title - The Univ of Manchester (Jodrell Bank) and The Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe (JIVE) Applications are invited for the fixed-term post of JIVE Support...

  • Economic Development in Cheshire - Macclesfield - Macclesfield. Jodrell Bank. The Borough runs from the mid Cheshire plain in the west to the Peak District in the east and its towns of Macclesfield,...

  • Jodrell Bank - My Research At Jodrell Bank. Can be summarised thusly.... My thesis, The Effect of the Ionosphere on MERLIN Observations and Radio Studies of Spiral...

  • Jodrell Bank Home Page - The Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories at Jodrell Bank are a part of the University of Manchester's Department of Physics and Astronomy. The...

  • The Jodrell Bank CMB Group - The Jodrell Bank CMB Research Group. Group members. Staff at Jodrell Bank. Professor R. D. Davies – Director of N.R.A.L., Jodrell Bank. Dr. Richard..

  • Postdoctoral opportunities at Jodrell Bank - Postdoctoral opportunities at Jodrell Bank. The Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC ) fund four postdoctoral positions at Jodrell Bank..

  • Jodrell Bank - Jodrell Bank. Jodrell Bank is the home of the "Lovell Telecope" one of the largest radio telescopes in the world. The telescope first came to public...

  • NWGAS Displays at Jodrell Bank Science Centre - NWGAS Displays at Jodrell Bank Science Centre. Sunday, 1996 May 26 to Monday, May 27. The Lovell Telescope, with Arboretum in forground. Jodrell Bank...

  • Stellar Radio Astronomy at Jodrell Bank - Stellar Radio Astronomy at Jodrell Bank. Using MERLIN, the VLA, and VLBI, the Stellar Radio Astronomy group study the following Radio Stars: Novae. Nova...

  • The 5GHz CMB Interferometer at Jodrell Bank - The 5GHz CMB Interferometer at Jodrell Bank. Click on the picture for a larger version (79kB). This instrument, located at N.R.A.L., Jodrell Bank, 30km...

  • Cosmic Microwave Background Research - Jodrell Bank - Welcome to the Jodrell Bank CMB home page. From here you can find out about... The Cosmic Microwave Background – an introduction. The Jodrell Bank...

  • The 5GHz CMB Interferometer at Jodrell Bank - The 5GHz CMB Interferometer at Jodrell Bank. Click on the picture for a larger version (79kB). This instrument, located at N.R.A.L., Jodrell Bank, 30km...

  • Jodrell Bank Pulsar Page - PULSARS at Jodrell Bank. --> Group members are Andrew Lyne, Jon Bell, Fernando Camilo, Lee Hannan, Chris Martin, Bob Pritchard and Dan Sheppard assisted...

  • New discoveries presented at Jodrell Bank 50th birthday conference - New discoveries presented at Jodrell Bank 50th birthday conference. 24th January 1996 - Jodrell Bank is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a conference.

  • CHiDE: Jodrell Bank Exhibit - Jodrell Bank. Location: CHiDE Museum, Cilvil Applications Room. civillian applications room plan. museum plan. home page. Nuffield Radio Astronomy...

  • Stellar Radio Astronomy at Jodrell Bank - Stellar Radio Astronomy at Jodrell Bank. Using MERLIN, the VLA, and VLBI, the Stellar Radio Astronomy group study the following Radio Stars: Novae. X-Ray..

  • The Stars of Jodrell Bank! - The Stars of Jodrell Bank! The Stellar group at Jodrell Bank currently consists of two staff and three PhD students: Staff. Ralph Spencer. Richard Davis...

  • Jodrell Bank - Previous: Bonn Correlator Up: Station Reports Next: Medicina Previous Page: Bonn Correlator Next Page: Medicina. Jodrell Bank. Burgess noted that several..

  • X-ray Binaries at Jodrell Bank - X-ray Binaries at Jodrell Bank. Using MERLIN, the VLA, and VLBI, the Stellar Radio Astronomy group study the following X-Ray Binaries: CYG X-3. SS433. GRS.

  • Wolf-Rayet Stars at Jodrell Bank - Wolf Rayet Stars at Jodrell Bank. Using MERLIN, the VLA, and VLBI, the Stellar Radio Astronomy group study the following Wolf-Rayet Stars: WR 140. WR 146..

  • Alternative Jodrell Bank Home Page - We have moved. Due to a small reorganisation to make managing the alternative WWW pages easier, the Jodrell Bank Alternative Home Page has moved to it's...

  • Statistical Results from the First Caltech--Jodrell Bank VLBI Survey - Previous abstract. Next abstract. Session 100 -- AGN: Unified Picture. Oral presentation, Friday, January 14, 2:15-3:45, Crystal Forum Room (Crystal City..

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