Here you can download your gift
It's a tool that lets you test your monitor's geometry and colours
You may use it as often as you like
You may copy it for your friends as long as you don't take money for it


( This is just to inform me that somebody has downloaded it )
( So - Please do let me know your name and email address)
Back to my HOME PAGE
Please - don't be shy !
I promiss you - nobody else but me will see your data. I will not give your data away to anybody else. I'm not running a company and I don't want any money from you. It's FREEWARE (I don't even claim the programme to be perfect though I think it can be a valuable tool.)
Of course, you can just contact me as well. If you send me an email instead of fillig in this form you will be sent this tool by email soon.
You are very welcome - whatever way you prefer !