Hi    Guys    !

Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.

Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape- descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.

And on the surface of this little blue-green planet at a heading of 36.5 deg South and 79.3 deg East lies the tiny city of Pune and in this tiny city of Pune is a place called Kothrud. But this not a web-page of Kothrud. This is a not a web-page of Pune. Neither has it anything to do with the little blue green planet.

This page belongs a homosapien who holds the opinion that we humans have made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And what the heck, even the trees had been a bad move, no one should ever have left the oceans.

And if you have opinions like mine, why don't you drop me a line.


Your journey into Cyberspace has just started. So Hold on tight!!

Quick links from here ...

About myself

Everything you ever wanted to know about myself.

My alma-mater - I.I.T-Kanpur

The Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur is one of the finest engineering institues in the world and I am proud to have been a part of it. This link will take you to the official webpages of IIT Kanpur which are updated regularly. So if you want to know what happened during Antaragni this year, this is the place to go.

My batch which passed out in 1996

The batch of 1996 was one of the most fundu batches among those which have passed out from IIT-Kanpur. This site is maintained by Vikas Gupta and contains links to numerous pages containing whereabouts of almost everyone of the '96 batch.

The Mechanical Engg '96 batch of IIT-Kanpur

From rockets to missiles, speed boats to explosives and Raminder to Murlidhar, the mechanical engg batch of 1996 had it all. Relive those years at IIT-K through these pages. I have tried to collect as much info about my batch fellows as possible and put it here.

My Gallery

If you have already gone through my hobbies page, then you will know what I am talking about. Here is a small collection of my work.

My list of links
nd finally the long list of links to pages on the web which I have found interesting and would like to share them with you. Here you will find pages that relate from cool graphics to hot graphics, raytracing to fractals, mirza ghalib to claudia schiffer, fractals to Sonali Bendre, hackers to crackers, phreakers to safe-crackers, ftp-sites to irc chat sites, garfield to toystory and britannica encyclopedia to popular mechanics. Phew!

About Myself | About IIT-K | IIT-K '96 Batch | Mech IIT-K '96 | My Gallery | Links