Welcome to my Home Page
My name is Dr. Khan Mohammad Siddiqui
am the one on extreme left. Picture was taken during my electives at Hermann
Hospital, UT Houston.
I am a graduate of Class of 1996, from the Aga Khan University Medical College, Karachi, Pakistan. Currently applying for a post graduation residency in the US.
This site is for fellow beings who have difficulty looking for informaion related to the medical field and who constantly try to browse the net to look for the relavant information. Now is the chance for you guys to have a site where you can access the world wide web with ease.
In the future you will see links to sites related to medical proffession, including Virtual Clinics, Medical Journals, Medical Schools all over the world, Guide lines for foreign medical graduates, WHO, UNAIDS, CDC, Medline and many more.
Currently I am writing up my research projects and am really busy with that work. So Mark this site and keep checking it for interesting stuff. Sorry for the delay and slow construction but you must understand my priorities.
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