Iowa Flag US Flag CAP Seal

East Iowa Cadet Squadron
Civil Air Patrol

P.O. Box 10481
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52410-0481
(319) 363-2672 Ext. 108

Unit Citation
Unit Citation Ribbon


1997 Squadron of Merit
1996 Iowa Wing Squadron of the Year
1995 Squadron of Merit
1992 Iowa Wing Squadron of the Year
1990 Iowa Wing Squadron of the Year

Proud Home Of The:

1998 Iowa Wing Senior Member of the Year

MAJ Mike Krenz

1998 Iowa Wing Cadet Officer of the Year

C/CPT Brian Benson

1998 Iowa Wing Cadet NCO of the Year

C/TSGT Shea Daniels

1996 Iowa Wing Squadron Commander of the Year

LTC Mercer Richardson

1996 Iowa Wing Pilot of the Year

MAJ Mike Krenz

1996 and 1997 Iowa Wing Senior Member of the Year

CPT Rex Glasgow

1996 and 1997 Iowa Wing Cadet Officer of the Year

C/LTC Doug Jansen

1998 Iowa Wing Commanders Commendations

CPT Rex Glasgow
C/LTC Doug Jansen
LTC Mercer Richardson

Cadets Get Academy Appointments!

Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Robert Hansel has received an appointment to the United States Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, CO. Cadet Hansel has been the cadet commander and has attended the Air Force Space Command Familiarization Course in Colorado Springs, CO.

Cadet First Lieutenant Beth Inglis has received an appointment to the United States Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs and will be attending Basic Cadet Training on June 30th. Cadet Inglis has also received an appointment to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. Cadet Inglis has been the cadet commander and has attended the Missouri Wing Winter Encampment.

Cadet Awards

Billy Mitchel Award Amelia Earhart Award Ira C. Eaker Award
Brian Benson Brian Benson Robert Hansel
Samuel Brown Robert Hansel Douglass Jansen
Robert Hansel Douglass Jansen
Beth Inglis
Douglass Jansen
Caleb Thacker
D.J. Young

Senior Awards

Chuck Yeager Certificate of Proficency Groever Loening Paul Garber Gill Robb Wilson
Rex Glasgow Rex Glasgow Rex Glasgow Rex Glasgow Mercer Richardson
James Herriott James Herriott Mike Krenz Mike Krenz
Mike Krenz Mike Krenz Mercer Richardson Terry Spitzer
Mercer Richardson Mercer Richardson Terry Spitzer Mercer Richardson
Terry Spitzer Terry Spitzer

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