Scannerman's Trunk Tracker Page

Started June 09, 2003.
UPDATED July 13, 2006.

Welcome to Scannerman’s Trunk Tracking Page. You will find frequencies for the trunking systems in our area as I locate them.

I am just learning about trunking systems. Trunking systems allow many different agencies to use one radio system with very few channels without hearing each other or waiting for other agencies to stop talking so they can finally transmit. A trunking system uses a computer to choose the best channel for a user in a group. Trunking systems also offer users extra features such as private talk and more.

A talk group number is displayed when a transmission is picked up. Each talk group number is unique as to who you are hearing on the radio. For example if 609 appears on your scanner in the Ottawa County System, then you are hearing their Sheriff Dispatch. I have included a list of Talk Group numbers. The numbers are to the best of my knowledge from listening for about half a year for myself and trying to figure what agency is talking when the number is displayed.

List Of Trunk Systems

Ottawa County Trunk System.
AEP Trunk System.
Toledo Trunk System.

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Police, Fire And EMS
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