DECnet Cterm FS scenery for Córdoba
Welcome to my page!
name is Eduardo Marcelo Serrat, I am 35 years old and live in Córdoba
I am a System Analyst and Novell C.N.E. (Certified Novell Engineer).
I work for a D.E.C. dealer and Novell Authorized Partner named Galmes
& Casale giving
technical support on OpenVMS, DEC Unix, Windows NT and Novell Netware.
Curriculum VITAE
I am married and have three children:
The Planes
In my spare time I like flying. I got my Private Pilot License
on December, 1995.
Presently I am flying a PIPER PA-38 Tomahawk and a CESSNA 150.
I will post
an aerial snapshot of Córdoba soon so you can see our
beautiful city.
I started flying UltraLights and I enjoyed it a lot. The Falcon
XP is the most versatile
UL I had the chance to know. It features a canard / push configuration
and the view
from the cockpit is incredible.
PIPER Tomahawk - 112HP - Low Wing - Tricycle Gear
CESSNA 150 - 100HP - High Wing - Tricycle Gear
New FALCON Peregrin (FALCON XP is a two-sit aircraft).
Piper Tomahawk and Cessna 150 panels respectively
After Flight
This is a photo with my friend Nestor. His son is 15 years old
and plans to become a pilot as soon as he turns 17. |
I also like playing guitar. I don't know too much about music
but I manage myself
to get some chords playing. If you like guitar see the LINKS
below and visit harmony-central
for a lot of tablatures.
Córdoba - República Argentina
Linux DECnet CTERM stuff
The Linux/DECnet project had a lot of improvements.
Sofisticated file utility apps, X11 support, Remote command procedures, etc.
Most important of all it has its own web page!
DECnet for LINUX homepage
Flight Simulator Scenery for
This is a file containing a FS5/FS6 scenery for Córdoba -
República Argentina. I wrote it using Airport V2.02.
It contains all navaids and ILS of our local Airport, and the airfields
are precisely located.
The following Airport/Airfields are contained:
Aeropuerto Córdoba
Coronel Olmedo
Alta Gracia
Juarez Celman
Download this zipped file and follow the instructions contained in README.
E-MAIL address
If you wish to discuss any matter about flying these planes or send
me comments
regarding Linux/DECnet/VMS, etc please send me a few lines Eduardo
Marcelo Serrat
Visit the homepage of my companion Gerardo
Guitar Tablatures harmony-central
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