Amateur Radio Club
P.O.Box 1033
Lancaster, Pa. 17608-1033
Membership Applications

General Information

Applications will be available in at least two of the following formats:
SPARC Membership
To join SPARC, print and complete an application.  Return it to us by mail or bring it to a meeting.  An amateur license is not a requirement for membership, however if you are licensed please include a copy with your application.  SPARC's bylaws require that the current membership vote their approval on new members; so far nobody has been turned away.   Don't forget to sign and date the application.  Dues are currently $25 per full year.  The membership calendar runs from January 1 through December 31.

ARES/RACES Membership

To join ARES/RACES print and complete an application then mail it to the address printed on the application.  You will be notified when your application has been processed.  As indicated on the application you are subject to a background check due to the potential for access to sensitive or confidential information.  Submission of an application indicates your consent for the Lancaster County Emergency Management Authority to conduct that  check.
  • RACES_Application.pdf
  • RACES_Application.txt
  • RACES_Application.htm
  • RACES_Application.doc

  • Questions or Comments

    If you have any questions or comments about membership or if you need help downloading any of these files please do not hesitate to contact SPARC.
     This site Copyright (C) 2001-2002, SPARC, Inc.
    SPARC Inc. is a 501(C)(3)Not-For-Profit Organization Incorporated March 27th, 1992