Leon Mishnaevsky Jr: List of Publications
Books and Chapters:
Damage and Fracture
- Determination for the Time to Fracture of Solids
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Int. J. Fracture, Vol.79, No.4, 1996, pp.341-350. Abstract
- A New Approach to the Determination of the Crack Velocity versus
Crack Length Relation
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Int. J. Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct.
, 1994, No.10, pp.1205-1212
- Methods of the Theory of Complex Systems in Modelling of Fracture: a Brief Review
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Eng. Fract. Mech. Vol.56, No.1, pp.47-56, 1997 Abstract
- Damage Evolution and Heterogeneity of Materials: Model based on Fuzzy Set Theory,
L. Mishnaevsky Jr and S. Schmauder
Eng. Fract. Mech., Vol.57, No.6, pp.625-636, 1997. Abstract
- In-situ Observations of Damage Evolution and Fracture in AlSi Cast Alloys,
L. Mishnaevsky Jr, N. Lippmann, S. Schmauder and P. Gumbsch
Eng. Fract. Mech., Vol. 63, Nr. 4, 1999, pp. 395-411 Abstract
- Damage Evolution and Localization in Heterogeneous Materials under Dynamical Loading: Stochastic Modelling
L. Mishnaevsky Jr and S. Schmauder
Computational Mechanics, Vol.20, No.7, 1997, pp.89-94 . Abstract
Presented at IUTAM Symposium on Innovative Computational Methods for Fracture and Damage, Dublin, Ireland, 30 June-5 July 1996.
- Impact Induced Damage in Rock
H.P.Rossmanith, R.Knasmillner and L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: 2nd Int. Conf. on Mechanics of Jointed and Faulted Rocks. Ed.H.P.Rossmanith, Balkema, Rotterdam, 1995, pp.103-108
- A Model of Damage and Fracture based on Fuzzy Set Theory
L. Mishnaevsky Jr and S. Schmauder
In: Mechanisms and Mechanics of Damage and Failure of Engin. Materials and Structure (Proc. Int. Conf. ECF-11), Eds. J.Petit et al, EMAS, London, 1996
- Dynamic
Fracture and Damage of Rock during Impact.
H.P. Rossmanith, L. Mishnaevsky Jr., R.E. Knasmillner, and K. Uenishi
In: Constitutive Relation in
High/Very High Strain Rates (Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium, Noda, Japan, 16-19 October
1995). Eds. K. Kawata and J. Shioiri, pp.193-200, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo
- Mathematical Modelling of Crack Formation in Brittle Materials
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Proc. 10th European Conf. Fracture, Berlin (20-23 Sept.1994). Ed.
K.H.Schwalbe and C.Berger. EMAS, Berlin, Vol. 1, pp.357-361, 1994
- Analysis of Rock Fragmentation with the use of the Theory of Fuzzy Sets.
L. Mishnaevsky Jr and S. Schmauder
In: ``Prediction and Performance in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering" (Proc. EUROCK'96, 2-5 Sept. 1996, Torino, Italia). Ed. G.Barla. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1996, pp.735-740
- Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Fracture and Damage of Rock during Impact.
H.P. Rossmanith, L. Mishnaevsky Jr., R.E. Knasmillner, and K. Uenishi
In: Numerical Methods in Engineering Simulation (Proceedings of the
International Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering and Applied
Sciences: CIMENICS 96, Merida, Venezuela, 25-29 March 1996). Eds. M. Cerrolaza,
C. Gajardo, and C.A. Brebbia, pp.147-154, Computational Mechanics
Publications, UK.
- On the Applicability of Fuzzy Set Theory for the description of the Damage and Fracture of Solids
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Proc. 32nd Ann. Mtg. Soc. Eng. Sci., University of New Orleans, 1995, pp.271
- Damage Evolution in Brittle Materials
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Materials Ageing and Component
Life Extension (Milano, 1995). Eds. V.Bicego, A.Nitta and R.Viswanathan, EMAS, London, Vol.2, pp.1135 - 1143
- Mathematical Modelling of Initiation and Propagation of Cracks
under Multiaxial Loading
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Biaxial/
Multiaxial Fatigue (May 31-June 3, 1994, Paris). Vol. 2, pp.43-48
- Fracture of Hard Rock in Drilling: Probabilistic Modelling,
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
in: Applications of Statistics and Probability, Proc. ICASP-7, Paris, 1995. Eds. M.Lemaire, J.L.Favre and A.Mebarki,
Balkema, Rotterdam, 1995, pp.119-123
- Probabilistic Model of Failure of Composites under Dynamical Loading
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: ESIS- 19 (Proc. Int. Symp. on Impact and Dynamic Fracture of Polymers
and Composites, Italy, Sept.1993). Eds. A.Pavan and J.G.Williams, MEP Publishing,
London, 1995, pp. 443-465
- Mathematical Modelling of Formation of Structures under Brittle Material
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Proc. MECAMAT-93 (Int. Sem. on Micromechanics of Materials),
Paris, 1993, pp.57-69
- Fractal and Informational Characteristics of the Stressed State of a Massif
and their Effect on the Fracture Formation
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
J. Eng. Physics and
Thermophysics, Vol.67, 1994, NN.1-2, pp.745-747
- Percolation Model of Fatigue Fracture and Lifetime Prediction.
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Fatigue-96, Proc. 6th Int. Fatigue Congress, Berlin, Eds. G. Luetjering and H. Nowack, Vol.2, pp.1287-1291, Pergamon, 1996
- Mathematical Simulation of Failure of Brittle Nonuniform Rocks
I.A.Sveshnikov and L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Strength of Materials (J.Problemy Prochnosti, English
translation, Plenum Publishing Co,NY), 1991, No.12, pp.75-78
Micromechanics and Composites
Continuum Mesomechanical Finite Element Modeling in Materials Development:
a State-of-the-Art Review
L. Mishnaevsky Jr and S. Schmauder,
Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 54, 1, 2001, pp. 49-69
- Advanced Finite Element Techniques of Analysis of the
Microstructure-Mechanical Properties Relationships in Heterogeneous
Materials: A Review
L. Mishnaevsky Jr and S. Schmauder,
Physical Mesomechanics,
Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 4-20
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Computational Mesomechanics of Particle-Reinforced Composites
L. Mishnaevsky Jr, M. Dong, S. Hoenle and S. Schmauder
Comp. Mater. Sci. 16 (1999) 133-143
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FE-Simulation of Damage Evolution and Crack Growth in Two-Phase Materials
on Macro- and Microlevel on the Basis of Element Elimination Technique and
Multiphase Finite Elements
S. Hoenle, M. Dong, L. Mishnaevsky Jr and S. Schmauder
Proc. 2nd Europ. Mechanics of Materials Conf. (Euromech-Mecamat). Eds. A. Bertram et
al, Magdeburg, 1998, pp. 189-196. Abstract
- Optimization of Materials Microstructures: Information Theory Approach,
L. Mishnaevsky Jr, T. Shioya
Journal of the School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Vol. 48, 2001, pp. 1-13
FE-Simulation of Crack Growth in 3-Point Bending Tests
Using a Damage Parameter and The Cohesive Zone Concept
L. Mishnaevsky Jr, O. Minchev and S. Schmauder
In: "ECF 12 - Fracture from Defects", Proc. 12th European Conference on Fracture (Sheffield, 1998). Eds. M.W. Brown, E.R. de los Rios and K. J. Miller. EMAS. Abstract
- Microstructural Mechanics of Failure Mechanisms in AlSi-cast Alloys by 3D FE-Modelling
L. Mishnaevsky Jr, N. Lippmann, E. Arzt, H.-J. Spranger, S. Schmauder and P. Gumbsch
Report for Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft,
Forschung und Technologie (BMBF), MPA, 1997. 130 pp. (in German) Abstract
- Pursuance and Analysis of SEM-insitu-Experiments on the Deformation
and Fracture of Cold Work and High Speed Steel
L. Mishnaevsky Jr and
S. Schmauder
Report for Boehler Edelstahl GmbH. 35 pp. MPA, Stuttgart,
- 3D Multiphase Finite Elements for the Simulation of Deformation in Real Microstructures: Verification and Results
L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Th. Steinkopff, N. Lippmann, S. Schmauder
and P. Gumbsch
In: 7th Int. Workshop " Computational Mechanics of Materials". Abstracts. ILFB, TU Vienna, 1997. p. 23
- A New Approach to the Analysis of Strength of Matrix Composites with
High Content of Hard Filler
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Applied Composite Materials,
Vol.1, 1995, pp.317-324. Abstract
- Fractal Dimension of Interface in Composites as a Characteristics of Influence of
Sintering Conditions on Strength
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Proc. PM-95 (European Conf. on Advanced PM Materials, Birmingham, UK), EPMA, 1995
- Probabilistic Model of the Sintering and Failure of Composites
with High Content of Hard Filler
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Proc. Powder Metallurgy World
Congress, Les Editions de Physique, Les Ulis Cedex, Vol.1,
- Strength of Particulate Composites with High Content of High Melting Point Filler
L. Mishnaevsky Jr and S. Schmauder
In: Processsing and Issues of High Temperature Materials. Eds. N.S. Stoloff and R.H. Jones. Proc. Engineering Foundation Conference (Davos, 19- 24 May 1996), TMS, Warrendale, USA, 1997, pp. 311-318.
- Influence of Conditions of Sintering on the Strength of Hard Alloys
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Brittle Matrix Composites. Eds. A.M.Brandt,
V.C.Li and
I.H.Marshall. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Abington, Cambridge, 1994
- Theoretical Investigation of the Cutting of Sintered Composites
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Advancing with Composites'94 (Proc.of Int.Conf. on Composite Materials,
3-5 May 1994, Milan). Ed. I.Crivelli Visconti), Woodhead Publishing Ltd,
Abington, Cambridge, 1994, Vol.1 "Materials and Technologies", pp.331-341
- Investigation of Influence of Composite Structure on Stressed State
and Failure of the Materials under Loading
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Proc. 10th Int.Conf.
Composite Materials (Madrid, Spain,1993).
Ed. A.Miravete,
Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Abington, Cambridge, Vol.6, 1993, pp.351-358
Wear and Grinding
- Mathematical Modelling of Wear of Cemented Carbide Tools in Cutting
Brittle Materials
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Int.J. Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.35 No.5,
1995, pp.717-724. Abstract
- The Wear of Composite Drilling Tool and Its Influence on Energy
Consumption in Drilling
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Proc. Int.Conf. on Composite Materials and
Energy (Enercomp-95) (Montreal, Canada), Technomic Publ. Co, Lancaster,
- Mathematical Modelling of Wear of Composites Tooling
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Proc. 3rd
Int. Sem. "Composite Tooling" (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, February 1994),
Elsevier Science Publishers, 1994
- Analysis of Variations in the Sizes of Diamond Grain Zug on an Operating
Grinding Wheels
Yu.P.Linenko-Melnikov and L. Mishnaevsky Jr
J. Superhard Materials,
Vol.11, 1989, No.2
- Theoretical Investigation of Maximum Admissible Output of Diamond
Yu.P.Linenko-Melnikov and L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Cutting and Tools, Vol. 41,
Vyssha Shkola, Kharkov, 1989, pp. 87-92 (in Russian)
- Determination of Cutting Force in Fine Turning
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Superhard
Materials in the National Economy, ISM, Kiev, 1989, pp. 112-119 (in
- Analysis of the Technological Role of Bonding of Grinding Wheels by
the Methods of Control Theory
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Improvement of the Processes of
Abrasive and Diamond Work and Hardening, Perm Technical University,
Perm, 1988, pp. 125-129 (in Russian)
- Relations between Probabilistic Characteristics of the Work of
Grinding Wheels from Superhard Materials with the Consumption of the
Superhard Material
Yu.P.Linenko-Melnikov and L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Abstracts
Conference "Optimisation of the Processes of Diamond and Abrasive
Machining", Volgograd, Volgograd Politechnical Inst., 1986, p. 55 (in
- Effect of the Regimes of Grinding with CBN Wheels on the
Parameters of Surface Roughness of High Speed Steels
E. Ryzhov, N. Stakhniv and L. Mishnaevsky Jr
J. Superhard Materials,
1982, No.5,
pp. 41-44. Abstract
Cutting and Drilling
- Investigation of Cutting of Brittle Materials
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Int.J. Machine Tools and
Manufacture, Vol.34, No.4, pp.499-505, 1994. Abstract
- A New Approach to Design of Drilling Tools
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Int. J. Rock Mech. Min.
Sci., Vol.33, No.1, pp.97-102. Abstract
- Physical Mechanisms of Hard Rock Fragmentation under Mechanical Loading: A Review
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., Vol.32, No.8, pp.763-766. Abstract
- A Brief Review of Soviet Theoretical Approaches to Dynamic Rock Failure
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., Vol.30, No.6, pp.663-668, 1993
- Informational Methods in Optimization of Tools
L. Mishnaevsky Jr and S. Schmauder
Invited Presentation. In: Proc. NATO-ARW Workshop "PROBAMAT 21st Century: Probabilities and Materials". Ed. G. Frantziskonis. Kluwer (in print). Abstract
- Wave Propagation,
Damage Evolution and Dynamic Fracture Extension.
Part I. Percussion Drilling
H.P.Rossmanith, R.Knasmilner, A.Daehnke and L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Physicochemical Mechanics of Materials, 1996, No.3
- Wave Propagation,
Damage Evolution and Dynamic Fracture Extension.
Part II. Blasting
H.P.Rossmanith, R.Knasmilner, A.Daehnke and L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Physicochemical Mechanics of Materials, 1996, No.4
- Natural Materials and Composites. Review of Presentations.
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Proc. NATO-ARW Workshop "PROBAMAT 21st Century: Probabilities and Materials". Ed. G. Frantziskonis. Kluwer (in print).
- Towards Smart Mining Machinery: Mechanics in the Service of Mining.
H.P.Rossmanith, R.Knasmilner, K.Uenishi and L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Proc. 2nd Int.Conf.
on Materials Engineering for Resources (ISRM'94, Akita Oct 19-22 ,1994),
Japan, pp.119-129
- Informational Model of Rock Destruction and the Principle of Mining Tool
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Fracture and Damage in Concrete and Rock. Ed.
H.P.Rossmanith, EFSpon, London, 1993, pp.393-399
- Mathematical Modelling of the Cutting of Soft Rocks
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Geotechnical
Engineering of Hard Soils-Soft Rocks (Proc. Int. Symp., Athens, Greece, Sept.
1993) Eds. A.Anagnostopoulos et al, Balkema, Rotterdam, 1993
- Rapidly progressing damage in inhomogenous media
R.E.Knasmillner, L.Mishnaevsky Jr., H.P.Rossmanithr
ATEM 1995, Gakuin
University Japan, pp. 117-122.
- Investigation of Stepped Face in Hard-alloy-tipped Drill Bits in Rotatory
I.A.Sveshnikov and L. Mishnaevsky Jr
J. Superhard MaterialsVol.14, 1992, No.1
- Mathematical Modelling of Cutting of Brittle Rocks
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
J. of Mining
Science (Plenum Publishing Co, NY). Vol.28, 1992, No.1
- Optimal Design of Drilling Bits
I. Sveshnikov and L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Synthetic
Superhard Materials in Drilling Tools, ISM, Kiev, 1989, pp. 157-162
(in Russian)
- Changes of Mechanical Properties of Rock under Deformation
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Synthetic Superhard Materials in Exploration Drilling, ISM, Kiev,
1987, pp. 116-119 (in Russian)
- Analysis of Promising Ways for Improvement of Rock Breaking Tool Using Informational Model of Rock Fragmentation
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
J. Superhard Materials (Allerton
Press Inc.,NY) 1993, Vol.15, No.1
- Principle of Maximum of Information Entropy of Distributed
Parameters of Rock Breaking Tool and Possibilities of the Optimisation
of the Tool of its Basis
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: New Rock-Breaking Tool from Superhard
Materials, Ed. I. A. Sveshnikov, ISM, Kiev, 1992, pp. 19-26 (in
- Theoretical Investigations of Fragmentation of Brittle Rock in
I. Sveshnikov and L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: News in the Theory, Technology and
Techniques of Drilling, Scotchinsky Institute of Mining, Moscow, 1991,
pp. 8-9 (in Russian)
- Application of the Percolation Theory to the Optimisation of
Arrangement of Hard-Alloy Cutters on Drill Bits
E. Lonyuk and L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Superhard and Composite Materials, Their Coatings and Application,
Ed. P.S. Kisly, ISM (Institute for Superhard Materials), Kiev, 1991
(in Russian)
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