Photo: Leon Mishnaevsky

Dr.-Eng. Leon L. Mishnaevsky Jr
University of Stuttgart
MPA (State Materials Testing Institute)
Pfaffenwaldring 32
D-70569 Stuttgart

Research Areas: Computational mechanics of materials, fracture and damage mechanics, composites , sintering, machining, drilling, cutting and wear, tool optimization .


Awards and Fellowships:

  • Heisenberg Fellowship of the German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), 2003-2007;
  • Visiting Research Professor, Rutgers University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, USA, 2002;
  • Visiting Scholar, Science University of Tokyo, 2002;
  • Who's Who in the World, 16th and 18th editions, 1999 and 2001;
  • Who's Who in Science & Engineering, 5th edition, 2000-2001 (Millennium Edition);
  • Visiting Professor, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing, 2002;
  • JSPS (Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science) Invitation Fellowship, The University of Tokyo, 2000;
  • STA (Science and Technology Agency of Japan) Fellowship, Synergy Ceramics Lab (Nagoya), 2000;
  • A. von Humboldt Research Fellowship, 1996-97;
  • Guest Scientist, Department of Mathematics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, 1996;
  • Engineering Foundation Conference Fellowship, 1996;
  • Soros Foundation Travel Award, 1993;
  • Best Research Works of the Institute for Superhard Materials, 1990, 1992.