(aka Lover) is digging his way back to California, haahaa…I turned 2 September
18, 2001.
isn’t too photogenic is she, heehee. I’m about 11 months as of December 2001.
Squeeks says, “I love my family” J I can just sleep in daddy’s arms all
day!! I turned 1 on November 15, 2001.
Finally we have Squirmy…My mommy calls me Squirmster too. I’m not sure how old I am, but I’ve had about 4 owners in the neighborhood so far.
Animal History….We bought our first home in October 1999…Frank DRUG me to the animal shelter and I fell in love with Peanut…so we adopted him a few days before Thanksgiving 1999. Over Xmas 2000 we were in Arizona visiting my in-laws and we purchased Squeeks…we brought him home to CA knowing we’d have to hide him since it was illegal, haahaa. Our Vet was awesome…she cared for him all the time. Meriya had 3 fish. Her beta died one day and we accidentally boiled her other 2 on the drive up to our new Idaho home. So a neighbor friend gave Squirmy to Meriya cause her mom didn’t want it in the house anymore. Phillip had a hermit crab…Shelbert. He lived for 3 years actually and died 3 days before we moved to Idaho. Meriya had 2 hermit crabs over the past 3 years but we believe Shelbert killed them off, he struck us as a loner and don’t even ask me how he survived 3 years…Phillip rarely tended to him.