In keeping with the intrinsic spirit of the Rotaract movement,the bubbling and enthusiastic rotaractors of this club have been organising various projects in the avenues of club service,community service,proffessional service and international service respectively.
Probably one of our biggest and most popular projects conducted every year in association with RC Queen's Necklace is 'OCTAGON'.This is a cultural extravaganza involving all the different clubs in our district,aimed at promoting the apothegm 'Unity in Diversity'.
Among our other projects,we also hosted the chess tournament for the blind in association with Maharahtra chess association for the blind.In the proffessional service avenue we have at regular intervals been inviting distinguished speakers from all facets of society to come and address the club members.
On the community service front we have been paying visits on a regular basis to the St. Catherine's orphanage at Andheri.We have been organising diverse activities,from parties to movie shows to the recently concluded summer olympics for the children there.
That in a nutshell is the kind of activities that we are involved with.Oh!I almost forgot.We also publish a bi-monthly magazine called 'Pinnacle'.The magazine covers the creative efforts of our enthusiastic members.If you would like for us to send you a copy of our magazine kindly do let us know.
Click here for details of our upcoming projects!
Rtr. Kaushal Bheda
Rtr. Kunal Shah
Vice President
Rtr.Tejas Mehta
Rtr. Anant Madabhushi
Treasurer & Sgt. at arms
Rtr. Rajesh Iyer
Jt. Secretary
Rtr. Noopur Bakshi
Rtr.Shruti Shah
Rtr.Rishi Raj Singh Sethi
Rtr.Sonali Podar
Rtr.Viral Modi
Rtr.Harshall Dalal