ALABAMA Birmingham Astronomical Society Clark Mason PO Box 36311 BirminghamAl35236(205) 854-6783 Muscle Shoals Astronomical Society, Inc Homer Russell Jr 302 NE Commons TuscumbiaAL35674(205) 383-6717 Mobile Astronomical Society PO Box 160972 MobileAL36616(205) 633-9079 Auburn Astronomical Society Jim Chestnut 748 E Magnolia Ave AuburnAL36830(205) 821-1062
CLUBS IN DELEWARE Delaware Astronomical Society Henry Bouchelle PO Box 652 WilmingtonDE19899(302) 655 3230 Delmarva Star Gazers Don surles 514 Marilyn Rd SmyrnaDE19977(302) 653-9445 back
CLUBS IN FLORIDA Star Gazers of the Villages Dominic Accettullo 916 Cindy Dr Lady LakeFL32159(904) 753-0031 Tallahassee Astronomical Society Conrad Scott Howard 7545 St Augustine Rd TallahasseeFL32311(904) 878-6236 Astronomical Society of Bay County Blen Deason 1021 Oxford Dr Panama CityFL32405(904) 235-5084 Escambia Amateur Astronomers Associaation Wayne Wooten - Physical Sciences Pensacola Jr. College PensacolaFL32504(904) 484-1152 Astro Scopers Rt 1 Box 302-C Chiefland FL32626(904) 493-4359 Alachua Astronomy Club Charles S Broward Rt 2 Box 2915 MelroseFL32666(904) 475-1014 Cosmo Astronomical Club John Martello 3415 Silverwood Dr Pine Hills FL32716(407) 293-1739 FIT Astronomy Society Amy Simon, Physics Dept 150 W University Blvd MelbourneFL32901(407) 768-8000 x 8098 Brevard Astronomical Society Yerby Land PO Box 1084 CocoaFL32923(407) 724-5681 Southern Cross Astronomical Society Robert Ward 13841 SW 106th St MiamiFL33186(305) 661-1375 South Florida Amateur Asstronomers Association Victor McKeighan 16001 West St Rd 84 Fort LauderdaleFL33326 Gibson Obs Astronomy Group Gary M Bogner 4801 Dreher Trail N West Palm BeachFL33405(407) 832-1988 Astronomical Society of the Palm Beaches Elizabeth Long PO Box 30023 Palm Beach Gardens FL33420(407) 746-8064 The Minor Planet Society Stan Salony PO Box 31313 Palm Beach Gardens FL33420(407) 547-3536 MARS Astronomy Club Craig MacDougal 2602 E 98th Ave TampaFL33612(813) 933-9617 Highlands Stargazers Richard Lindblom 2130 Gresham St SebringFL33872(813) 655-0131 South West Florida Astronomical Society Doug Lozen PO Box 6583 Fort MyersFL33911(813) 278-1238 Local Group of Deep Sky Observers Vic Menard 2311 23rd Ave W BradentonFL34205(813) 747-8334 Treasure Coast Astronomical Society Jim Cole 5304 E Echo Pines Circle Fort PierceFL34951(407) 468-1978
CLUB IN GEORGIA Astronomical Society of the Atlantic, Inc PO Box 15038 AtlantaGA30333(404) 315-7428 BBS: 321-5904 meetings: monthly, 1st Friday, White Hall - Emory Univ. observing: new moon weekends, Hard Labor Creek, GA Atlanta Astronomy Club, Inc Ken Poshedley PO Box 29631 AtlantaGA30359(404) 979-9842 Athens Astronomical Assn Maurice E Snook 160 Plantation Dr AthensGA30605(706) 543-3753 Middle Georgia Astronomical Society Mike Hood Museum of Arts & Sci 4182 Forsyth Rd MaconGA31210(912) 477-3232 Macon College Astronomy Club Mike Torbett 100 College Station Rd MaconGA31297(912) 471-5318 Amateur
CLUBS IN MARYLAND Greenbelt Astronomy Club Doug Love L 3 D Plateau Place GreenbeltMD20770(301) 474-8663 Harford County Astronomy Society Stu Chapman PO Box 906 Bel AirMD21014(410) 836-4155 Westminister Astronomical Society Curtis Roelle 3481 Salem Bottom Rd WestministerMD21157(301) 848-6384 Cumberland Astronomy Clud G Frank Simpson 350 Bedford St CumberlandMD21502(301) 722-7606 Tri-State Astronomers Jim Stanicek 1028 Corbett St HagerstownMD21740(301) 790-3270
CLUBS IN NORTH CAROLINA Forsyth Astronomical Society Jeff Poplin 1531 Twin Oaks Dr KingNC27021(910) 983-8816 Greensboro Astronomy Club Chris King 6907 Ridge Haven Rd GreensboroNC27410(910) 668-4502 NC Astronomy Teachers Reaching Out Tom Hocking Box 3480 UNC-CH Chapel HillNC27599(919) 962-1237 Raleigh Astronomy Club Mark & Phylis Lang PO Box 10643 RaleighNC27605(919) 460-7900 BBS: 821-0380 Gaston Amateur Astronomers Schiele Museum PO Box 953 GastoniaNC28052 Charlotte Amateur Astronomers Club Gayle Riggsbee 245 Timber Lane Matthews NC28105(704) 846-3136 Astronomy Club of Cumberland County Allen Faircloth 2308 Colgate Dr FayettevilleNC28304(910) 485-8515 Cape Fear Astronomical Society Ronnie Hawes 305 N 21st St WilmingtonNC28405910 762-1053 Catawba Valley Astronomy Club Brian Hissom 918 Danbrook Cir LincolntonNC28902(704) 735-9815
CLUBS IN SOUTH CAROLINA Midlands Astronomy Club Al Parker 263 Crystal Springs Dr LexingtonSC29073(803) 755-7195 Carolina Skygazers Astronomy Club Glenn A Dantzler 4621 Mount Gallant Rd RockHillSC29803(803) 654-3689
EAST TENNESSEE Barnard-Seyfert Astronomical Society A Heiser 1000 Oman Dr BrentwoodTN37027(615) 373-4897 West Kentucky Amateur Astronomers Jim Boren 262 Shane Lee Rd DoverTN37058(615) 232-6820 Middle Tennessee State Univ Astronomical Society PO Box X056 MurfreesboroTN37132(615) 728-7321 Barnard Astronomical Society Frank R Helms 838 Belvoir Hills Dr ChattanoogaTN37412(615) 622-4762 Oak Ridge Isochronous Observation Network 4412 Damas Rd KnoxvilleTN37921(615) 927-5155
VIRGINIA NoVa Space Society Jim Myska 4344 Mount Carriage Lane FairfaxVA22033(703) 803-7961 Northern Virginia Astronomy Club Marta Krause 2520 Rocky Branch Rd ViennaVA22181(703) 281-9049 Triangulum Astronomical Society Al Ventura Jr PO Box 7464 FredericksburgVA22404(703) 775-2337 Blue Ridge Skywatch Astronomical Society S G Marshall 1611 Cliffview Dr SalemVA22903(703) 387-3230 Richmond Astronomical Society Norman Guenther 2101 Leovey Lane MidlothianVA23113(804) 794-6413 TCC Astronomical Society Dennis Rowley 3065 Stratford Dr. ChesapeakeVA23321(804) 483-3822 Black Bay Amateur Astronomers Glendon L Howell 2808 Flag Rd ChesapeakeVA23323(804) 485-4242 Tidewater Amateur Telescope Makers Donald Wright 677 Charlecote Dr Virginia BeachVA23464(804) 424-9430 Astronomy Club of Virginia John Simonetti, Physics Dept Virginia Polytechnic Institute BlacksburgVA24061(703) 231-8740 Bristol Astronomy Club Ken Childress 4559 Reedy Creek Rd BristolVA24201(703) 466-8404 Stokesville Astronomy Group Jack Wine PO Box 145 VeronaVA24482(703) 248-0981 Halifax Skywatchers Joe Lightcap PO Box 22 NathalieVA24577(804)349-3700
Kanawha Valley Astronomical Society, Inc
Brent Ogle
2011 Parkwood Dr
CharlestonWV25314(304) 344-3192
Ohio Valley
Paul Brown
1827 Enslow Blvd
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