This is the official worklog of Frank Willemsen & Corin Langosch: + added something - removed something ! fixed something ? new idea ~ comment 15.01.97 +created this worklog 17.01.97 +better HSR via the vislists !fixed some texturemapping problems ?adding lightmaps now 21.01.97 !texture mapping now correct +added timer lib +added some general routines !font lib now correct !lightmaps still not working properly 24.01.97 +better HSR added (about 20FPS now) !fixed some problems ?going to add S- or Z-Buffer ?demo will be released this week-end 27.01.97 +added S-Buffer +added better video.cpp (for menus etc) +optimized back face culling +optimized BSP traversal ?going to add mode-x lib ?going to work on models ?going to add collision detection 01.02.97 +added better menus +speeded up a lot (high-level, about 30FPS now) +added basic model routines !fixed some minor bugs (like palette etc) 04.02.97 +added double linked list for models +more model routines added -> can display it now in 2d, 3d flatshaded 14.02.97 +added polygonal models with texture-mapping +added Z-Buffer to models +added texture-mapping to S-Buffer +implemnted simple collision detection (no sliding yet) +first attemts to do surface caching +added support for teleportes & messages +added water effect a la quake !fixed palette again, now correct !fixed keyboard routines !rewrote some code to use less memory 17.03.97 *forgot writing worklog !fixed model bugs +added group-frame support to models +rotatation of weapons/armor !fixed texture-mapping of models +added new texturte-mapping algo to level !rewrote lots of code !got a bit more speed !! 20.03.97 !fixed z-buffer (using 1/z instead of z) !fixed model rendering -> 100% correct now +added better collision detection +added simple IPX-networking !fixed color-map computation -> lightmaps almost correct, no interpolating yet 27.03.97 +added lightmaps interpolating !fixed collision detection !changed start up !rewritting lots of code&removing bugs etc.. 11.04.97 !fixed some lightmapping errors +added sphere culling +added more network support *collision-dection nearly completed ! +added moving models (doors, elevators) +added sound-support 11.05.97 ~forgot to write worklog but that doesnt' really matter because we rewrote the engine from scratch so I couldn't put much here !rewrote engine from scratch -removed water effect a la quake (not working) *collision detection not working with triggers ! +added MIP-mapping to texture-mapper +added alias-models again with group-frame support +added animated textures & realtime lightning effects +added BSP-Items like armor boxes etc.. +added support for scaling window-size !everything is working fine now, exepct the alias-models (the renderer sometimes crashes because of x/0) +added z-buffering to all non-static members of the world +added sphere-culling to alias-models, triggers & bsp-items 13.05.97 +started working on WOF-C++ compiler +added types: char, float, int +added functions with return value & parameters *only asm output yet, can't assign values to variables etc... 15.05.97 !better gamma-correction now !rewrite alias-model renderer from scratch 26.05.97 ~back from holiday +added support for all 8-bit VESA 2.0 LFB-modes +added new screenshots with higher resolutions *started again from scratch +added several routines to video.cpp (scaler etc..) *when running with modes greater than 800x600 weierd things happen.. 27.05.97 !fixed little bug in move.cpp !fixed VESA functions (bios detection routines) !changed view system due higher resolutions 28.05.97 +added dynamic lighting code (fireballs) *working fine but lots too slow 01.06.97 !fixed several bugs in dynamic lightning code *more than one light per face *memory needs decreased from 21MB to less than 400KB *conflict with other static light effects removed *new demo on net 03.06.97 !fixed some errors in time-sync. *I think we need a completely new idea ! !fixed bug with resolutions >= 800x600 +added first demo record/playback (not correct with triggers) +added first version of asm spanblitter (not fully optimized yet) 08.06.97 !if not lightning info avaiable use middle brightness !rewrote complet timer system 10.06.97 *passed my german exam !rewrote a lot console & timer stuff !rewrote demo system from scratch, seems correct now ! :) *code restructured a lot, seems nearly everything works fine 20.06.97 !fixed collision detection bugs (I hope it's 100% correct now) !fixed HSR -problem (too many triggers displayed) *leaves bounding boxes were wrong (too big) +added new HSR-approach -> solid old: 17fps, solid new: 45fps *new demo will be on net, as soon as texture-mapping in again 25.06.97 +added first working version of WOF-Compiler & WOF-Assembler +added WOF-Interpreter (32KB Stack, almost all commands supported) +added some buildin Functions: ResetLightStyles, RegisterLightStyle, RemoveLightStyle, PrintText, ConsoleCommand *more too come +wrote first simple WOF-C++ program to set lightsytles etc 27.06.97 +optimized WOF-Interpreter a lot +added infinite loop-checking to WOF-Interpreter !fixed several minor bugs (most often stack-faults) +added support for simple jumps (goto) +added support for global variables *new demo will be on the net soon !!!! +added complex jumps (JL, JG, JLE, JGE, JZ, JNZ)