W O F - 3D engine
Created by Frank Willemsen & Corin Langosch
Welcome to World of Fantasy Home Page. WOF
is a new awesome 3D polygon renderer, developed by Frank Willemsen
and Corin Langosch. It uses BSP-Trees for
hidden surface removal. It's brand-new so it still contains
lots of bugs and is NOT yet optimzed. You
can download a demo, or some screenshots.
Also some sourcecode is avaible !
The following things are 100% done (maybe not
100% bug-free):
Perspective texture-mapping (with MIP-mapping)
Lightmaps done in Surface-Cache (with interpolation)
Support for all VESA 2.0 8-bit LFB modes
Realtime lightning effects (flicker etc)
Dynamic lighting (fireballs etc)
Hidden surface removal via BSP-Tree
Span-Buffer & Z-Buffer
8 bit color resolution for normal 320x200 mode
Ability to load any Quake .BSP level
Polygonal Characters
Particel & Sprite System
BSP-Items (ammo boxes etc)
Collision detection
Water effect a la Quake (not working)
Working on or plan to the following:
Collision detection with triggers
Sound engine
Speeding up the Engine
Or if you really want to
check out the demo...just click here
Here are some great screenshots. To get a full-screen picture, just
click onto the prefered one.
If you are curious about WOF, contact
us. We like feedback.
You may also want to download an older source
of the engine. Just click here
We work with the Watcom C++ 10.6 compiler but
itmust be easy to port the code to another compiler like Borland C or MicrosoftC.
There is no assembler and/or optimisations used so the engineis a lot slower
than it could be.
If you have improvements, questions or suggestionsconcerning
the engine please let us know.
Back to WOF's Main Page
This page is copyright 1998 by
Corin langosch.