W O F - 3D engine |
The standart version (dos, 32bit) can be reviewed here.
There is also an older sourcecode avaible for download of this version.
The second one is for Win95 and OpenGL
and is now rather simlilar to Quake II
than to Quake I. Please notice that you don't need quake data files
for this version
since it has its own fileformats and utilities.
Thanks a lot to ID Software for releasing some of their sources !
Without ID Software, WOF and
a lot of other projects would never be
started I guess.
If you want to check out
the current worklogs click here
You may also take a look
at the "known bug list". Just click here
Get get some more personal
info about Corin Langosch.
Download some older stuff
from his sourcecode archive. It includes
mainly older
QBasic and Pascal programs he wrote a couple of
years ago.
Want to contact Corin Langosch
Want to contact Frank Willemsen
Other interesting links:3D Engines List
The best and easiest 3D API I've ever seen.
3Dfx Devbelopers Program
Offers the latests libs (glide, opoengl) etc..
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