Bernardo Rossi 's Web Page

Image of the FRG 9600

This page is dedicated to the scanner FRG9600 by Yaesu, a rather old but still useful scanning receiver. This radio was also marked as SOMMERKAMP SRG-8600DX.
I have written a very nice DOS software to control the scanner, equipped with an FIF 232/C CAT interface. This interface allows to connect the scanner to a computer, using a serial port.
Feel free to download and use the software.

Current version: 2.7 Size about 90 Kb Packed with PkZip
Now with display of the S-METER signal strength

Here is a computer interface, which is able to control the FRG-9600, read the Squelch and the Signal strength.

Here are the instructions to expand the frequency range, which originally is 60-905 Mhz, up to 20-950 Mhz.

More about frequency expanding:
this is a converter you can connect to your antenna plug, to receive the HF band. Thanks to Danilo. (!!!!Long download, about 350 kb!!!!)
This is another converter, it was published some time ago on 'ham radio'. The Printed Circuit can be ordered at FAR CIRCUITS, under 'Converters & Transverters' (!!!!Long download, about 500 kb!!!!)

Here is the technical manual, in 3 parts
Part 1 (TECH0012.ZIP) technical descriptions, alignment procedures, etc., about 1,5 mb
Part 2 (TECH1333.ZIP) complete schematics, about 3 mb
Part 3 (TECH3442.ZIP) parts lists, about 1.5 mb
Detail of page 16 (TECH16.ZIP)
Detail of page 18 (TECH18.ZIP)
This is the schematic for the NTSC-Video Unit, about 800 kb

Want to connect an external decoder for digital data, like beepers and such things?
You need to take out the discriminator output.

This is my page of nonsense tricks you can play on your FRG.
(Actually now there is only one trick. Anybody knows more?)

Here is a very good document, explaining how to reduce EMI (Electro- Magnetic Interference), caused by the computer, which could disturb your scanning.

Here is a good list of space-related frequencies, including Mir, Space-Shuttle etc. I picked it up in the newsgroup It's about 40 kb long.

I've collected here a handful of information regarding Space Station.

You don't have a watch?
Don't worry, now we are able to tell you the exact time, courtesy of NIET (National Institute of the Exact Time).
You don't have to worry about time zones, daylight savings and all that useless stuff, and it's exact up to a fraction of a second. Just click here, and you will get the exact time

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