The Hubble Space telescope.

  • This is the web site of some of the web based resources being used in Mr. Bonnici's elective high school course at MCSM entitled "Astronomy: A Voyage Through The Cosmos." Many of the links are educational resources related to Astronomy and Physics used in this course.


    Astronomy Unbound: A Virtual Astronomy Textbook.
    Astronomy Hypertext Textbook.
    Multimedia Guide to Stars and Galaxies.
    World Wide Web Virtual Library of Astronomy Educational Resources.
    Information Center for New Star Gazers.
    World Wide Web Virtual Library of Astronomy and Astrophysics.
    Astroweb: Astronomy/Astrophysics On The Internet.
    Michael Boschat's Huge List Of Astronomy Links.
    MSU Astronomy Links.
    The Galaxy Page: A Vast Resource Concerning Astronomy and Space Exploration.

    The following are links that concern the Planet Earth / NASA's Mission To Planet Earth/ and the Greenhouse Effect.

    Earth []

    Earth [Nine Planets]

    Earth Introduction - From Los Alamos National Lab

    NASA HQ - Mission to Planet Earth

    EOS Project Science Office - the centerpiece of NASA's Mission to Planet Earth. It is composed of a series of satellites that will gather data specifically for studying the Earth.

    MTPE Systems Team - contains technical publications pertaining to the NASA Mission To Planet Earth at Goddard Space Flight Center.

    Global Change Data Center - Our mission is to ensure worldwide access to earth science data in support of the U.S. Global Change Program and the NASA Mission to Planet Earth.

    What is the Greenhouse Effect? - explanation on why global warming is here and where it originated.

    U.S. Global Change Research Information Office

    Global Warming Central - comprehensive site covering the debate, with news and updates; key experts, documents, and treaties; discussion and other resources.

    EPA's Global Warming Web Site - impacts and policies of global warming, and how individuals and corporations can help address these issues

    Global Warming at NRDC: Countdown to Kyoto

    Global Warming Exchange

    Global Warming Update

    Global Warming: Focus on the Future - interactive explanations of the phenomenon, with pictures.

    Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast - award-winning exhibition on the greenhouse effect developed by EDF and the American Museum of Natural History. - source for info on global climate change.

    Kyoto COP3 Campaign - postcard campaign to persuade delegates to the Third Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to commit to further reductions of CO2 emissions.

    Public Perceptions of Global Warming

    Sierra Club Global Warming and Energy Campaign

    SolarDome - renewable energy educational site.

  • The Following links concern Archaeoastronomy/Ethnoastronomy/Cultural Astronomy/Sky Myths/Ancient Cosmology

    The Center for Archaeoastronomy
    History of Astronomy: Archaeoastronomy/Ancient Astronomy/Ethnoastronomy.
    Ancient Astronomy/Cosmology.
    Native American Astronomy.
    Native American Folklore of the Stars.
    Mayan Astronomy.
    Pre-Columbian Sites in Mesoamerica of Particular Archaeoastronomical Interest.

  • Ancient Astronomy at Pomona College offers an introduction to ancient cosmology and world astronomy and a good set of resources, including an interactive atlas of the ancient world showing major astronomical sites, a searchable glossary and timeline of ancient astronomy, course materials for educators and students interested in ancient astronomy, a bibliography, and links to sites about ancient astronomy.
  • Andromeda, Lady of Fall by Brian Mason discusses the myths associated with the constellation of Andromeda.
  • Base for Calendar Exploration by Bill Hollon discusses the history of calendars and telling time across many different cultures. Includes many myths about astronomical objects.
  • Bob Kobres's home page offers mythological interpretation from the catastrophist viewpoint of Clube and Napier.
  • Celestial David and Goliath presents an idea by F. Graham Miller postulating an astronomical origin for this legend among prehistoric Sanskrit-speaking peoples. Miller suggests Bootes was David while Orion was Goliath.
  • Cheryl Robertson's Whole Moon Page offers a collection of folklore about the moon.
  • Comets: Fear and Loathing offers a brief look at legends associated with comets.
  • Constellations presents the history and mythology surrounding those shapes in the night sky.
  • Constellations by Richard Dibon-Smith offers information on the 88 constellations, including the Greek myths associated with many of them.
  • Homer's Astronomy offers an short essay on the astronomical background in Homer's Illiad and Odyssey.
  • Ian's Lunar Page includes mythology about the moon.
  • Japanese Starlore presents legends of the sun, moon, stars, planets, meteors, and comets, as well as information about Japanese amateur astronomers.
  • Legends of Forever by Madhury Ray offers a compilation of legends of the sun and information on their respective cultures.
  • Meteorite Legends from around the world appear on this page at The Meteorite Market web site.
  • Meteorite Lore from around the world appears on this page at The Meteorite Market web site.
  • Meteors and the Native Americans by Gary W. Kronk discusses meteor lore among various Native American peoples. Includes a bibliography.
  • Mill of Time: Celestial Cycles and Ancient Mythological Science by Terry Alden discusses myths of precession as presented by Giorgio de Santilliana and Hertha von Dechend in their book "Hamet's Mill."
  • Mythology from the University of Michigan offers a compendium of myths related to the Sun, Moon, Earth, Planets, and Stars.

    Pleiades offers information and legends about the Pleides.

  • Smithsonian Institution. For faster service in the Western U.S., use the SGI Mirror Site)

    MMT-Related Sites

    National and International Observatory Sites

    NASA Sites

    Martian Life News

    Other Sites

    The Keck Observatory Complex.

    Comet Hale-Bopp.

    Planetary and Star Formation in the Orion Nebula.

    I hope you found this page useful.

    If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

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