This is the online site of my research concerning Social Psychology. My research interests focus on both experimental and theoretical aspects of the field, with a stress on social cognition (my "expertise" (;~) as a method for exploring social psychological phenomena.
Nonetheless, my (non-research) interests in Social Psychology are varied. Some interesting articles I've come across are available below:
Is gender really socially constructed?
Although my knowledge is very limited at this point in time, the issue of methodology is also very important to me. I hope to set up a number of pages to discuss various issues. Comments, suggestions, and
discussion of these issues are always welcome. The first discussion targets are in regard to statistics:
NHST: Can Psychology do better?
Report of the APA Task Force on Statistical Inference.
Please send messages, comments, criticisms, and suggestions regarding issues in which YOU are interested to
This page serves primarily as a jumping point to more detailed sites. You will find below links to my laboratories, that is, my ongoing research projects. Published or presented works will usually be included as online and dowloadable files for your convenience. If I receive requests for it, I may also post my graphs and stimulus materials.
You will also find on this page links to the best social psychological sites I've found.
If you'd like to know more about me, please feel free to take a look at my
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Links to other sites on the Web
Assignment of Responsibility Research
In the works
In the works
OSU Dept. of Psychology - Social Area
Compendium of Social Psychology Resources (one of my favorite sites)
Social Cognition Paper Archive and Research Center
© 1997