Hello! Welcome to F.O.R.E.S.T.
Rocketry's home page
(Field Of Rocket Eating Stupid
As you can tell by the name, I
have had some experience with the feared trees in my area. So far
we have lost three rockets to the trees and narrowly rescued one
from a trees gaping maw.
This is my first serious attempt
at a web page so please excuse any typos, errors or lapses of
This page is dedicated to the
sport and art of Model Rocketry. I am going to try to focus on
the beginning rocketeer. I have been in this hobby for about a
year now and still going strong. I have recently started building
rockets from Aerotech. I am very pleased with these kits. They
are easy to build and finish. I just finished the Mirage, a seven
foot tall rocket and flies up to "G" engines. Keep
checking the launch report page as this will be the first one
launched when the weather allows.
If you have any questions,
comments or suggestions, please E-Mail me at the address below.

Well, it is Spring 1997 and the start of a new
flying season. I did a little rocket building over the winter and
pictured above are some of the projects that were completed.
Pictured from left to right:
Alarm, Maxi Force, Astrosat LSX, IQSY Tomahawk,
Gemini DC, Arreaux, Initiator, Mirage, Broadsword, Astrobee D
and Mercury Atlas.

Pictured above is the Mercury Atlas from Estes.
Very easily the most difficult rocket kit I have ever built and
also one of the best looking kits. I have approximately 20 hours
of building time in this rocket and I am still debating weather
or not to launch it. A quick word of advice, if you plan on
building this kit, when using contact cement for the "Stage
Stiffener" test the cement on a scrap piece of plastic. I
didn't do this and the contact cement melted and bubbled the
plastic. Also, where the instructions called for plastic model
glue I used 5 minute epoxy. It adds a little weight but makes a
much stronger bond. I used this on the ladder assembly and
hopefully it won't fall off on the first launch.

I have included plans for a very nice and easy to build
launch pad. I found the plans on the internet and it called "The Plumbers Delight"
Thanks to whoever designed this launch
pad. It woks well and costs about $20 to build.

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Again Rokkiteer Ring site owned by doug.
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