Ethan's Rocketry Page

I started the model rocketry hobby the Christmas of 1995. I asked my parents for a remote control airplane, but I got a model rocket starter set, called the Estes Helicat. After one flight, rockets became my favorite hobby. Now I have an Estes Alpha III, an Estes Comanche 3, a rocket I made from scratch in shop class, and I am working on an Estes Black Brant II. I can't fly the Comanche 3 or Black Brant II around here because they both use D engines and I am afraid they will get lost. I still haven't tried any high powered rockets, but I hope I do really soon. I am a member of the National Association of Rocketry. What I really like about this hobby, though, is that people think it is science. I did a science fair project on the thrust of model rocket engines and got third place in the physics category. Pretty cool, huh? Well, this is my model rocketry page.

Rocketry Links

A page to get to listings of rockets made by lots of companies
NAR Homepage
A full listing of Estes Rockets
A good model rocket site
The Rokkit Scientists